What is the terrorist group most likely to strike within the United States in the next five years?
What method or means will this group probably use to carry out the attack and what is the most effective means of countering the attack?
Near-Term Future of Terrorism in the U.S. 2
Terrorists are likely to use a weapon of mass destruction somewhere in the world in the next five years. They are more likely to use a biological weapon than a nuclear one and the results could be devastating. The consequences of a biological attack are almost beyond comprehension. It would be 9/11 times 10 or a hundred in terms of the number of people who would be killed, according to Senator Bob Graham.
Near-Term Future of Terrorism in the U.S. 3
An investigation by the US Congress into weapons of mass destruction made a chilling prediction of terrorists mounting an attack using biological or nuclear weapons within the next five years. The six month inquiry mentioned Pakistan as one of the likeliest …show more content…
Terrorist organizations are intent on acquiring nuclear weapons. It cited testimony before the commission from former Senator Sam Nunn, who said that the risk of a nuclear weapon being used today is growing, not receding. The risk from biological or nuclear weapons was higher than skeptical foreign policy and defense analysts have so far suggested. Those analysts had pointed out to the complexity of transporting such weapons and the limitations of a nuclear dirty bomb, whose radius of damage is minimum compared with missile delivered warheads. The report disagreed, saying that no mission could be timelier. The simple reality is that the risks that confront us today are evolving faster than our multi layered