February 03, 2012
Instructor Rachel Jung
Criminal Justice Trends
The criminal justice system will always be an important part of society. Therefore its past, present, and future trends can be detrimental to our society as a whole. Society must become more educated on the value the criminal justice system holds and the affects it has overall. The society continues to change; which forces policies, procedures and costs in the criminal justice system to do the same. If these changes do not occur our society will face major setbacks that hurt the overall criminal justice system.
In the past, the criminal justice system was not broken down by the departments and subdivisions we have today policing our society. The technological advances were not created in t making it extremely difficult for crimes to be solved and criminal 's apprehended. The public and legislators continue to impact the system calling for accountability and the protection of public safety (Muraskin & Roberts, Chapter 1, 2009). This call brought the technology of COMPSTAT- computer-aided police management systems-as well as specialized police units such as domestic violence crisis response units and driving under the influence (DUI) enforcement units (Muraskin & Roberts, Chapter 1, 2009). Police departments are now becoming more dependable to the community, more involved in the overall decision making process, community oriented and technologically advanced.
The future of the criminal justice system will always come with a number of challenges, visions to be clouded, and ideas to be overlooked. The major testament is rather these challenges, visions, and ideas will; reduce crime, protect society, and shed some light on a more promising future. Criminal justice professionals continue to conduct research and evaluations in an effort to expose these advances which include;
“Increased use of biosensors, lasers, and thermal neutron analysis equipment
References: Muraskin, R., & Roberts, A. R. (2009). Visions for Change. Crime and Justice in the Twenty-First Century (5th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.. State budgeting solution . (2013). Courts and Corrections. Retrieved from Http://www.statebudgetsolutions.org/issues/view/solutions/1/courts-corrections