Parag A. Guruji, Chandan M. Bhattad
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Walchand College of Engineering Sangli (An Autonomous Institute)
Vishrambag, Sangli, Maharashtra, India- 416415
Abstract: The application of fuzzy AHP to the multi criteria decision making has brought great improvement in the realistic decision making by providing means for quantifying the qualitative properties which are closer to reality. The considerable amount of context specific work has been done in the area of application of FAHP in MCDM. In this paper, we discuss a generic model for applying FAHP in MCDM systems whose purpose is to make the design of MCDM systems context independent to the maximum extent. The fundamental fuzzy operations and further functional steps in the working of the model are emphasized on in this paper. The application of this model to the network security evaluation problem is discussed as an illustration, which explains the use of the model under consideration as a basic skeleton structure for the designing of corresponding intelligent MCDM.
chair, (or say a car)she recognizes it to be a chair (or a car) by “the degree of closeness” of this new shape with a “predefined ideal value” which is a known chair’s shape present in her memory in this case. Thus, in fuzzy logic, the convention prescribing that a statement is either true or false is changed and is a matter of degree measured on an ordered scale S that is no longer {0, 1}, but usually the unit interval [0, 1]. This degree of fit is called degree of truth of the statement φ in the interpretation I. Fuzzy statements have the form φ ≥ l or φ ≤ u, where, l, u ∈ [0, 1] and φ is a fuzzy statement. Fuzzy statements encode that the degree of truth of φ is at least equal to l and at most equal to u. B. MCDM (Multi Criteria Decision Making) The name
References: [1] Multi Criteria Decision Making in Fuzzy Description Logics: A First Step by Umberto Straccia [2] A Fuzzy Decision Making Approach In Evaluating Ferry Service Quality by Abdullah Lazim, Nurhanadia Wahab (2010) [3] A Network Security Evaluation Method based on FUZZY and RST [4] Fuzzy logic and the Decision Matrix by Christopher M. Barlow, 2001 [3] Fuzzy Logic Via Computing With Words by Ashok Deshpande [4] Redesigning Decision Matrix Method with indeterminacy- based inference process by Jose L. Salmerona and Florentin Smarandacheb [5] Fuzzy Systems for MultiCriteria Decision Making by Fábio J. J. Santos and Heloisa A. Camargo (Dec. 2010) [6] A Network Security Evaluation Method based on FUZZY and RST by Zhang Lijuan and Wang Qingxian (2nd ICETC, 2010)