1. Purpose: To provide guidance and procedures on the QMP program
2. Facts:
a. QM Boards will be scheduled for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters of each FY, considering Soldiers of the Regular Army (RA) and United States Army Reserve Active Guard Reserve (USAR AGR), in the grade of E-7 thru E-9.
b. Senior Non Commission Officers (NCOS) will be notified if they receive a negative official document filed in their official military personnel file such (OMPF) such as a senior rater rating of 4 or 5 in the overall performance or potential blocks of an NCOER. (Please see Milper message for a complete listing).
c. HRC will identify Soldiers in the specified grades
who have at least 19, but less than 31 years of active federal service (AFS) who possess negative documents in their OMPF. These Soldiers will have the option to submit a request for voluntary retirement in lieu of QMP consideration or submit for mitigating matters.
d. Soldiers will have 30 days from the date of notification to submit an appeal.
e. Soldiers will be notified of board results by individually addressed memorandums from the HRC commander routed through their chain of command.
f. For more information, please see Milper message PROCEDURES FOR THE FY13 QUALITATIVE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (QMP) FOR SENIOR NCOS.