Questions 1 through 5: Assume the statement(s) following “Suppose you know that” is (are) true, even if the statements contradict what you know. Using that information, evaluate the conclusions offered.
1. Suppose you know that All Juan's pencils are blue. All the pencils on the table are blue.
Then would this be true? At least some of the pencils on the table are Juan's. a. It must be true b. It cannot be true c. It may be true, but there is not enough information to be certain
2. Suppose you know that None of Jim's books are about animals
Then would this be true? None of the books about animals are Jim's. a. It must be true b. It cannot be true c. It may be true, but there is not enough information to be certain
3. Suppose you know that All Z's are Y's. All Y's are X's.
Then would this be true? All Z's are X's. a. It must be true b. It cannot be true c. It may be true, but there is not enough information to be certain
4. Suppose you know that None of the fifth grade girls are on the soccer team. Johanna is a fifth grade girl.
Then would this be true? Johanna is not on the soccer team. a. It must be true b. It cannot be true c. It may be true, but there is not enough information to be certain
5. Suppose you know that All the members of the school drama club have been to Boston. No one in John's class has been to Boston.
Then would this be true? At least some members of the school drama club are in John's class. a. It must be true b. It cannot be true c. It may be true, but there is not enough information to be certain
Questions 6 through 12: Read the following passage then mark each fact according to its relevance to the passage. Be sure to offer your supporting logic.
The year is 1682. It is the middle of June. Imagine yourself to be in the