What negative habits do you feel you are bringing to this course? Answer for each area: Personal, Professional, Academic and Financial.…
What major obstacles—personal, professional, or academic— will you need to overcome in order to be successful in school? Describe how you will use at least two specific time management strategies to help maximize the use of your time during this class and to reach your educational goals.…
Explain why a college degree is important to you. How can GCU help you achieve your personal, academic, and career goals? How can you ask for feedback about your habits from those around you to assist you in staying on track to meet your goals? Reflect on the purpose of higher education. Describe any concerns or difficulties you had during this module. Please use GCU style formatting as outlined below to complete your journal.…
While reading the “Tips for Successful Students” article, I found it was important to keep an open mind and be honest when evaluating myself and the characteristics that will make me a better student. I tend to be a little hard on myself, and I understand that there is no one perfect way to learn, study, or to be a successful as a student and in life. There are guidelines, as provided in the reading, however, each person much consider what works best for them. I do find that I was in agreement with the information that I read, and there were things listed that I will utilize to increase my potential for success in this, and future classes.…
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” This quote is found in chapter 3 of our textbooks by Les Brown. The meaning of this chapter speaks about the benefits of setting short and long term goals, the aspects of effective goals, the importance of goal progress and some of the best ways to fight against procrastination. This chapter has given me the most information out of the rest. I feel that these topics are all important for each college student, because in order to get homework done you need to know how to study, work and not procrastinate.…
An obstacle I have encountered was my AP Calculus class. At the beginning of the course it was very difficult as my prior mathematics teacher had informed me. Besides having a big transition in the level of math, there was more to the class. I had failed the first test and was ready to drop the class. However, I was not ready to give up so I decided to keep the class and work harder. I dealt this this problem by taking more time out of my day to go over the material being learned. This meant I had to put in more time along with some of my peers that helped organize a small study group. This was an important factor in order to be successful in the class because the information being learned was difficult.…
5. An important part of being successful is setting goals. As you are starting this semester consider what you want to achieve and complete the following sentence. "I will ______________________," Explain HOW you will achieve your goals. Be specific in stating the steps you will take toward that goal.…
Reflection allows an individual to identify the reasons or purpose of understanding the outcome of a particular situation in depth in term of emotions on thought and feeling on the topic area. In addition, Reflection is something that we do implicitly as part of being human, underpinning our identities through a process of negotiation between our sense of self and our experiences of others (Demetriou, 2000, p.210). Therefore, I have implemented this quote in my professional and personal goals I wanted and have achieved thought-out the process of the module. I have made continues effort in building my confidence in situations that I have felt uncomfortable in.…
The strategy I currently use to maintain a positive realistic belief is setting realistic goals and deadlines to complete tasks help know my limitations. I will improve this strategy by documenting the tasks I was unable to accomplish before the deadline. This way I will know exactly how much I should have on my plate the following day.…
Hello, I'm Stephanie Gischel. I have been at CCBC since 2014 and have changed my major approximately 6 times. I finally found a passion in Early Childhood Development and decided to stick with it. I have eight nieces/nephews and I have had the pleasure of watching each of them grow and learn through myself and others. I'm extremely excited about this course and learning the different ways that different minds work and learn, and learning new information myself along the…
Throughout my placement on Redbrook ward, i have had the opportunity to be involved and take part in MDT meetings. By producing the following table, i was able to understand why having MDT meetings are important, and the importance they have on effective patient care.…
Recognize barriers to achieving your goal and set up ways to avoid or deal with them…
One of these challenges would be using my time wisely at times during school. With being in a fall sport this makes it very tough with homework. After school I have practice that gets over around 5 or 5:30. Then I get home and eat dinner and it is already 6:45 or 7. Then I have to complete all of my homework and I stay up fairly late. I have persevered through this by just finishing my homework and by not giving up on the homework. Also, I have tried very hard lately to get homework done during school, so I don't have to do it when I get home. This has been my greatest challenge, while being at Plymouth High…
As I thought about what I would write for this, the first question I asked myself was: what kind of writer was I when I began this course. The answer to the question would be not a very good one. I struggled big time with grammar and punctuation when I began this class. I also struggled with my writing process. I learned quickly this year that I would not be able to just sit down and write an “A” paper without doing much prep work and tons of research on both sides of an argument. One of my biggest takeaways from Comp 101 was how to rely on my classmates for help.…
4. Keep a calendar. Deadlines creep up quickly. And the closer the date, the more you’ll feel the pressure. Most students don’t do their best under pressure. And colleges,…