What is ecotourism ?
…and the challenges faced
Gabon, a potential place for ecotourism
2009, still in the pursue of “Green Gabon”
Why does Gabon need ecotourism ?
The ecologic bet of 2002…
Fatima Soleman
Ecotourism, an opportunity for Gabon?
African Political Economy
May 8th
Professor Markovits
Secondary Story
Headline Final Project
With its 800 kilometers of coastline, its 13 national parks which are home to species unique to Gabon and more than
400,000 years of archaeological and cultural history,
Gabon has all the key ingredients to becoming a destination of choice for ecotourism.
What is ecotourism ?
Tourism, nowadays, is one of the biggest sectors of activity in the world, first source of employment. Ecotourism, contrarily to mass tourism which degrades natural habitats, is part of a sustainable development perspective. Sustainable development is according to the Bruntland report a “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Therefore, ecotourism is directed towards exotic environments often threatened, with the objective to support the efforts of conservation and the observation of nature.
“Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of the local people” (The International Ecotourism
Society 1990)
Ecotourism must meet certain criteria
Preservation of biodiversity and its functions, through the protection and the restoration of ecosystems
The respect of cultural diversity and its ties to the environment
The revenues and the profits from ecotourism must directly benefit the population in the regions concerned
The promotion and the encouragement of sustainable development by providing employment to the local and aboriginal populations.
Educate the
Bibliography: Society 1990) Ecotourism must meet certain criteria