Reviews should be 4 pages, double-spaced, in 12 pt font. No outside sources should be used to complete the review.
The character Mona undergoes substantial transformation in the area of individual personality and social psychology we call “identity.” What does her journey suggest to us about both the Africana perception of identity and the role that history plays in that? Explain the role that the characters, Nunu, Shango, and Joe play in Mona’s transformation. In the context of this discussion, give your definition of Sankofa. It is at once a bird and is depicted by the staff of the drummer in the film. But what is it really and what is Mona’s connection to Sankofa? What does it suggest to other Africans and more importantly, to and about non-Africans?
GAFST 200 Ross Althizer
First Film Review: Sankofa 9/23/2014
A person’s perception is ever changing. I explain perception as the way a person interprets and organizes information they receive and put it into context. Simply, perception is the totality of a person’s points of view, or their point of view on anything specified. It can be said that the earliest stages of one’s life can be the most influential on their development of perception. Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist/philosopher (Known as the “Father of Developmental Psychology”) suggested that children actively organize and adapt their thoughts to gain an understanding of the world. People gain the ability to perceive and create our own independent thought while we are children, unconsciously practicing perception on small things that only a child could see as important. During early adolescents the amount of things we gain perceptions on increases, and we gain our first perceptions of the world.