"A Sorrowful Woman", a short story written by Gail Godwin, reflects the immense emotional struggles of women who do not necessarily portray the role as a 'perfect wife and mother'. With an undoubtedly supportive husband who caters to her and her son's every need with little to no flaw, the woman cannot bear the sadness that accompanies her inability to fulfill her motherly role due to her diagnosed illness. As the effects of her sickness begin to worsen, she resorts to isolation; however, the emotional ties between her, her kind husband, and well adjusting son become extremely overwhelming. Godwin represents the incongruity of this situation by depicting the husband as understanding and the least cause of the woman's stress. More
"A Sorrowful Woman", a short story written by Gail Godwin, reflects the immense emotional struggles of women who do not necessarily portray the role as a 'perfect wife and mother'. With an undoubtedly supportive husband who caters to her and her son's every need with little to no flaw, the woman cannot bear the sadness that accompanies her inability to fulfill her motherly role due to her diagnosed illness. As the effects of her sickness begin to worsen, she resorts to isolation; however, the emotional ties between her, her kind husband, and well adjusting son become extremely overwhelming. Godwin represents the incongruity of this situation by depicting the husband as understanding and the least cause of the woman's stress. More