Contemporary Issues in Management
- BUSI1475
1. Introduction 2 2. concepts of communication and power 2 2.1 Communication definition 2 2.2 Power definition 3 3. communication functions 3 4. Communication process and channels 4 4.1 Communication process 4
4.2 Communication channels 5
5. communication barriers 6
6. Polyphony 7 7. power characteristics and relationship between commnucation & power 8 8. case study 8 9. conclusion 9 10. references 10
Nowadays, in any organization, human resource is not a normal resource as others such as material, finance, etc… like what already existed in the past organization perspective. The more development of society it is, the more value of human being is defined. Knowledge more and more creates valued material. This trend leads to the higher level of managing human resource requirement, especially of the top managers. To run the business smoothly, sensemaking must be existed. So how do managers can make sense their employees? Communication is the core factor! By generating effective communication skills, managers can lift their power to higher level. This essay will point out the strong relationship between communication and power and how to gaining power by using well communication factors after analyzing the core of communication and power. Furthermore, the case study at the last part of the essay will also clearly draw and illustrate this relationship.
Concepts of Communication and Power
Communication Definition
Before go to further aspects of this topic, the definitions of communication and power should be discussed firstly. Communication always existed in every individual, team and entrepreneur. According to Dale Carnegie (Carnegie, cited by Clegg 2004), communication is the process of exchanging the ideas, thinking and any
References: BBC News, 2011. When Gandhi met Darwen 's mill workers. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 25 March 2013]. Carnegie, D., 2004. In Managing and Organizations. 3rd ed. London: SAGE Publications. p.296. DuBrin, Andrew J., 2008. Communication in Workplace. In M. Carnis, ed. Human Relation for Career and Personal Success. 8th ed. New Jersey: Person Prentice Hall. p.56. McShane, Charles W.L. Hill and Steven L., 2008. Communication. In Principles of management. 1st ed. New York: Mc Graw Hill. p.428. P. Robbins and David A. Decenzo, Robert Wolter, 2001. Motivating Followers. In G. Baure, ed. Supervion Today. 6th ed. New Jersey: Person Prentice Hall. p.214. Robbins, Judge, 2009. Communication. In Organization Behavior. 13th ed. Personal Prentice Hall. p.385. Stewart Clegg, Martin Kornberger, Tyrone Pitsis, 2004. Managing Communications. In Mangaging and Organization. 3rd ed. London: SAGE Publications. p.326. Signature of tutor | | Date | April 02nd , 2013 |