Gaius Marius And Cornelius Sull Turmoil In Roman Society
Gaius Marius and Lucius Cornelius Sulla are portrayed as being culpable for a generation of turmoil in Roman society, through the period of the second and first century. After the fall of the Gracchi, the aristocracy was refurbished, and the plague of corruption yet again swallowed the senate. The attempts of two patriotic men had been violently relieved and the incompetence of the senatorial oligarchy to put the welfare of its people first, again created an unbalance of the elite. Furthermore with a clear opportunity to weaken the hold of the aristocracy, it must be considered how Gaius Marius came to front as a Popularis and ultimately true successor of the Gracchi; and how he was overthrown by Lucius Sulla in 86BC as the leader of the aristocratic
party. Whilst the Republic has begun to decline well before Marius and Sulla, ultimately it was these two political and military leaders the tipped the balance toward the rapid descent of the Roman Republic and its Senatorial tyranny.