Galileo was born in 1564. He was a professor of mathematics. It is a common misconception that Galileo invented the telescope. However, that is not true. Galileo was the first person to look at the sky through a telescope and make observations about where the earth was located. He wrote a book about the things he saw through the telescope Siderious Nancius (The Sidereal Messenger). This book spoke of how the moon was not smooth, and also has mountains and imperfections.
That the Milky Way was made up of myriad stars. This book also included his discoveries of four new planets that circled
Jupiter. These planets were used as evidence to prove the Copernican model, which is Copernicus’ theory that the earth and other planets revolved around the sun. Before this book people believed that the earth was the center and the planets revolved around it.
Johannes Kepler was born in 1571. He had a somewhat difficult childhood, which he had to overcome to attend university. There he studied to be a Lutheran pastor and did well in his studies. He had many different ideas about astronomy, some were more accurate than others. One theory focused on how there could only be 6 planets. In 1600 he was invited to work with Tycho Brahe, a prominent astronomer, and stayed with him until Tychos death in 1601. Kepler continued working and eventually he discovered that the planets did not move in circular motions but in ellipses. Before this, people
believed in circular planetary motion for the previous 2000 years. With these discoveries he was able to come up with what is now known as Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. The first law is that the planets orbit in ellipses with the sun at the center. The second is that the sun covers equal area in an equal amount of time. The third is that a planets orbital period squared is equal to the semi-major axis of its orbit cubed. Kepler was able to figure this out from Tycho’s observations.
Isaac Newton was born in 1642, and was widely regarded as a great scientist. He was very grateful to previous scientists and all the discoveries they had made that helped him in his discoveries.
Newton studied motion, using Galileo and Kepler’s discoveries, he was able to figure out three laws of motion to describe all things that move. The first law states that anything at rest or anything moving in a straight line will not change unless acted on by another force. The second is that a force is equal to change in momentum per change in time. And the third is that for every action there is an opposite reaction. These discoveries were huge for science. Using their observations we were able to continue their work and eventually put men in space! Without these men it certainly would have taken a lot longer. It is important for us to see the history of science and how far we have come. We do not want to take for granted all of the technology we have now. We need to be grateful and appreciate the people that have brought us here. It was these men that provided us with the template to continue to move forward and make new discoveries.