As a result, since the values increased steadily, the velocity of the ball rolling 120cm down the plane stayed constant. Also, the shape of the line in the distance vs. time graph demonstrated that the velocity increased as the ball rolled down the plane. Therefore, the points that were plotted at the midpoint between the two times gave the graph an increasing plotted line. Consequently, like the graph in distance vs time, the shape of the line in the graph of 2 x distance vs. time squared also indicated an increase in velocity. As a result, the graph also showed an increasing plotted line. Therefore, the slope of the line in the graph of 2 x distance vs. time squared represents acceleration. It represents acceleration, because the line shows that the graph is steadily increasing, because of its almost constant slope. As a result, the slope of the line is constant, and so the acceleration is constant. Additionally, to determine an experimental value for acceleration one must find velocity, time, and then calculate your equation. Then, calculate gravity by using the acceleration value and divide it by 0.0043.