
Galley Tactics: Naval Weapons Used In Naval Warfare

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Galley Tactics: Naval Weapons Used In Naval Warfare
Since Europe is a peninsula with other peninsulas coming out of it, this made naval warfare a vital part of a European army. From antiquity to the 16th century galley tactics were used in Naval warfare. Galley tactics had ships fight at close range where ramming and boarding opposing ships was possible. The weapons used in this type of warfare was the ship itself used as a battering ram, bow and arrow and cross bows. The first effective use of gunpowder in naval warfare was by the Venetians during the Siege of Chioggia (1379-80). One of the problems that came up when trying to utilize gunpowder weapons on ships was that the saltpeter in early European gunpowder contained calcium nitrate. The calcium nitrate absorbed atmospheric moisture which …show more content…
Despite the addition of artillery the tactics remained the same until the 16th century. With the development of heavier guns, they began to be mounted on the side of the ship near the waterline. In 1503 the Portuguese were the first to use a tactic known as the “Line Ahead Formation”. This tactic lines the navy fleet up sideways so ships can can fire from their side without fear of hitting a friendly ship. The Portuguese under the leadership of Vasco da Gama, defeated an Indian-Arab fleet using this tactic despite being outnumbered. This battle essentially gave the Portuguese dominance over the Indian Ocean. Along with the Portuguese the Venetians also had a formidable navy. After their naval victory over the Ottomans at the battle of Lepanto in 1571, the Venetians are said to have melted down the captured Ottoman cannons as they were of poor quality compared to the ones they had. It can be concluded from these naval engagements with Non-European powers, that Europe had far better incorporated gunpowder weaponry and tactics into their navy compared to the rest of the …show more content…
In the 1360s and 70s the French and the Germans began creating guns that were capable of throwing stone balls weighing 220 pounds. Called bombards, these were on of the first guns capable of inflicting a great deal of damage to fortress walls. What made cannons so effective was they were able fire heavier objects at a faster rate and a farther distance than most other siege weapons. This success was demonstrated in 1494 by Charles VIIl during his invasion of Italy. Gunpowder siege weapons easily destroyed medieval walls so the Italians designed a new type of fortification. Called Trace Italienne, this new system of fortification was invented between the 1450s and 1520s. The Trace Italienne fortification was usually star-shaped and had three key features. The three components consisted of walls and ditches built to prevent escalade, a low rampart to fire artillery at the attacking enemy and a ground plan which leaves no dead ground or blind spots which the enemy may use to reach the rampart. The Trace Italienne was very successful and began to be implemented in France, Spain and the Netherlands. Armies began increasing the amount of soldiers stationed at these fortifications in order to guard against attacks. The widespread popularity of the Trace Italienne along with increasing number of soldiers guarding them meant wars became

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