The Gallipoli campaign had such an impact because of the naivety of those in charge, who believed that we would just come in and take over with little to no retaliation from the Turks, however as we know the Turkish retaliated with great force and on the first day 2000 were killed. I believe it was this number that really made the Gallipoli campaign catch the eye of the Australian people, the number was so large after the first day of fighting that Australian people’s eyes were opened to the horror and bloodshed of war. Also some Australian people were completely against the troops being there the especially after such heavy loss, they argued that it was a waste of perfectly good troops and that nothing was to be gained. Another reason that…
Rob Sitch effectively use film in The Castle to communicate distinctive the Australian voice that reflects the diverse values, beliefs and opinions held by most people which are unique to the country. Australia has its own voice which reflects the values of egalitarianism and familial respect. These values and voices has been conveyed through the iconic Australian film The Castle directed by Rob Sitch and cleverly conveyed through his successful use of language and film techniques.…
Furthermore, Stenders privileges the role of humour in the definition of Australian identity by literalising the familiar Australian joke ‘A man walked into a bar’ this is represented through the wideshot of Thomas the trucky apprehensively entering the bar to find it deserted. Stenders is again setting the basis for later in the film when he further develops the idealised Australian identity as liking mateship, believing in egalitarianism, loyalty, being gregarious, humour and the view of authority being disrespectful. By idealising Australians in…
On one revolutionary night in 1914, Andrew Fisher the Prime Minister of Australia, declared that Australia would stand beside their mother country Britain should the worst happen and they go to war, and days later they did. Over the course of the four year(1914-1918) World War one was fought, there were one hundred and forty seven battles and although Australia didn’t fight with the allies in each battle, their involvement was regarded as imperative to winning the war. People in modern society when asked about the First World War will only be knowledgeable of the Anzacs involvement in the Battle of Gallipoli because it is the only battle discussed at Anzac Ceremonies. Battles like the Battle of the Somme deserve more recognition and this essay will give an overview of why. Australia’s transformation from the war, the soldiers experiences, the impact on the soldiers and their families, how the Anzac legend is carried on as well as how the army has changed are all things that this essay will…
The Indigenous genre in recent Australian films have been depicted as falsely represented. Prime examples being recent Australian films Satellite Boy (directed by Catriona McKenzie) and Australia (directed by Baz Luhrmann). Though they are world-renowned the representation of the Indigenous genre shown through these films have been criticised as shallow. However Mad Bastards (2011) directed by Brendan Fletcher gives an insight of a unique yet accurate portrayal of Indigenous genre by the usage of the characters, the setting, the music and their connections to their land. It manages to be what many Australians films are not, gritty and confronting.…
Being a new, recently independent nation, the outbreak of war provided the opportunity not only to fulfill their obligations to Britain, but also for Australia to establish itself as a country that has the manpower and support behind them to exhibit the traits of an established nation. ‘There was also a belief in society that war was a testing ground for individual and national character’[2] Australia was a product of the successful British military quests and here was the chance to prove themselves worthy on a world stage.’ What the war represented was an opportunity to say, ‘here we are right, look at us fighting’10. If society believed that war was a testing ground for individual and national character, this was certainly achieved at Gallipoli in 1915. Despite being a failed battle with ‘7823 Australians being killed and 19441 wounded with a further 70 becoming prisoners of war’[3], the ANZACS represented the values and qualities of the whole society which is still reflected in our nationalism today. Welborn (2002), describes the historic event as ‘the proving of a nations soul’[4].In essence, the failed landing at Gallipoli evoked at least the sense of nationalism many young men were inspired to enlist as a result…
This movie is based on a true story about the historical events of that time. Many men in America during World War One were impatient on the United State’s refusal to enter into the war, so they would go to Europe and Canada to enlist in their armies to fight against the German power. A group of these men actually enlisted into the Lafayette Escadrille where they signed up to fight against the Germans even when they knew that the average life-span for a fighter pilot was 3-6 weeks. The bravery and commitment to fight for democracy was very much so real from these fighter pilots and many risked their lives to do…
The language of the film that shapes our understanding of the Australian voices and the value conveyed e.g. the gift of giving and Darryl’s placement of present in the trophy room is a symbol for the value placed on family. The family is gathered for father’s day. A medium shot frames the family sitting on the sofa or the floor, very close to one another. The scene is filmed from the front, appearing very like a photograph. Their body language is relaxed, their facial expressions are smiling, with a look of devotion.…
The allies decided to attack Gallipoli on April 15th, 1915 largely by the urging of Sir Winston Churchill who saw it as a way to end the stalemate on the western front. British strategists had also for many years believed that the best defense of Egypt and the Suez Canal was an attack on Turkey. If the campaign succeeded it would be a decisive blow to the Germans and give the upper hand to the Allies.…
Throughout history the Australian identity and its associated values have been represented through distinctively visual language. Henry Lawson uses many evocative and powerful language techniques to convey his thoughts and feelings. This is clearly shown in “the drovers wife” and “in a dry season”. Other narratives also utilise the many language techniques to convey the distinctively visual image and is shown in “the man from Snowy River” by Banjo Patterson. All three texts reveal both positive and negative values which are indicative of the Australian image. Through the forms and language of these texts, and the values of larrikinism, heroism, humour, environment and realism, they alter the responder’s perceptions and understand the perceptions of Australia and its identity.…
The compelling 1981 film that is known as Gallipoli was ironically more focused on the two main characters, Archie and Frank, rather than the significant historical events taking place around them.…
Australians fought their first major land battle in World War II on January 1941, when men of the 6th Division AIF, and other Allied troops, battled Italian forces at the town of Bardia on the coast of Libya. On 3-5 January 1941, the Italian were attacked and Bardia was captured. Over 40,000 Italian prisoners were taken.…
3. ‘The film text Australian Rules is only loosely based on Deadly Unna? The film fails to develop any of the sensitivity or charm of the novel.’ Critique the film by comparing it to the…
The Gallipoli campaign which took place from the 25th of April 1915 until the 20th of December 1915 was a horrific battle with huge bloodshed and a total death toll of over one hundred and thirty thousand. Over the nine month campaign, New Zealand men faced numerous successes and many failures which had an impact on the on the outcome of the campaign. A main success turned failure was the battle to gain the Chunuk Bair summit. Many New Zealand men were lost but the task at hand was achieved, Chunuk Bair was then lost by the British relief soldiers. The Gallipoli campaign affected New Zealand and the public of New Zealand in many negative and positive ways, both short and long term.…
The film Gallipoli takes place during World War I's Gallipoli campaign in 1915. The two main characters in the film are Archy and Frank. Archy and Frank are from Western Australia and they both enlist to fight in Gallipoli. Before the war both Archy and Franks goal was to be the fastest runner in Australia and compete against the world. They both meet in a running race in WA when they compete in the same race. Before competing in the race and meeting Archy, Franks friends decide do join up for the war but Frank wasn’t keen on the idea and leaves them. However Archy shows great interest in joining up for the war because he thinks it would be an adventure! Neither of them quite understand what the war is about and Frank says to Archy “it’s not our war to fight” knowing that it was a British war not ours. To get into the war they both travel to Perth to join the light horse but Frank doesn’t get it and joins the ordinary military with his old mates. At the end of the film I feel sorry for Archy because he was so innocent and his uncle who helped him so much in his life is now without him. Frank at the end of the film was devastated by giving the message in time but didn’t have any family to go home to. Frank would remember Archy as a hero and someone to look up to.…