Gambling in America: Is Legalized Gambling in America the Right Choice?
Recently, a new, debatable topic has hit Americans in a swift manner. Should gambling be legalized in their respective states? As you may already know, gambling is the act of risking something of value for a potential chance of profit. “Not that long ago, Americans held gambling in the same esteem as heroin dealing” (Popkin & Hetter 17). Today, however, people see gambling not as bad as it used to be. In fact, according to a Harrah’s survey, thirty two percent of all households in the United States gambled at a casino in 1996 (Calvert 2). However large this number may seem, there are still a tremendous amount that do not gamble and feel that it should not be legalized in any way, shape or form. Proponents believe that gambling benefits the economy because the tax reduction it brings along with an increase of jobs available to the people. They also believe that it benefits society as a result of the facilities it builds and finances through tax money. Opponents believe that it is a deterrent to society because of the increase in crime and the type of people that gambling brings into communities. They also believe it harms society because of the growing addiction towards gambling and that it ruins lives. After thorough research, the economical, societal, and personal benefits derived from gambling, such as tax reductions, more and better schools for children, and more wealth distributed across the population, are solid grounds for legalizing gambling across America. Gambling has a strong impact on economy. It is the fastest growing entrepreneurial way that governments can reduce taxes in their town, city, or state. In fact, two hundred billion dollars are made each year from the gambling industry nationwide (Sylvester 110). Americans view gambling as an accepted pastime in society and because of it, government is able to create a substantial increase in profits. In 1993, during casino’s first fiscal period, four hundred twenty eight million dollars in revenue
Bibliography: Altman, Robert. “Gambling Makes Life Exciting.” Gambling. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 1995.
Hirshey, Gerri “Gambling is Entertainment.” Gambling. San Diego: Green Haven Press, Inc., 1996.
Popkin, James and Katia Hetter “Gambling and Ethics: An Overview” Gambling. San Diego: Green Haven Press, Inc., 1996.
Solomon, Alan. “Gambling Revitalizes Poor Communities” Gambling. San Diego: Green Haven Press, Inc., 1996.
Sylvester, Kathleen “Casino Gambling and Local Economies: An Overview” Gambling. San Diego: Green Haven Press, Inc., 1996.