What are the types of knowledge, skills, and abilities that are needed to successfully accomplish the job responsibilities?…
He should have ability to handle several priorities with a strong leadership and motivational skills, and excellent customer service skills. He should be acquainted with basic computer skills in order to maintain required financial and management reports.…
Describe how individuals became involved and what he or she can change about this job…
goals for the team, offers feedback and sets and expectation for results, not activity i.e.…
As Julie showed in the interview as it takes dedication, termination, discipline, and the list goes on and on. Making sure one learns all about his or her job, and do it to the very best of their ability is extremely important. Knowing that what is important as well as what is the best interest of the client or agency, are all important to follow. Signing a very good job, and believe it would be a very rewarding job. Toishauna would want to make sure that people can get all the help they can…
teams as a whole will have to answer is, “how do you market and sell something that is widely available for free?” To try to tackle this problem, the NFL implements “blackout” procedures if games are not sold out within seventy-two hours of game time for a seventy-five mile radius outside of certain stadiums in order to increase ticket sales at the games. A “blackout” blocks certain programs from being broadcasted in particular markets. The blackout rule has been at times criticized by fans and others. Some blame the teams poor performance, and others blame the fans. For example, some teams such as the Oakland Raiders had many games blacked-out in the 2009-2010 season. The NFL responded by showing blacked-out games on NFL.com on a delayed…
b. Describe at least two tasks a person with this career might perform. (1-2 sentences.…
b. Describe at least two tasks a person with this career might perform. (1-2 sentences. 1.0 points)…
A funeral director must have certain skills to take on the task of providing the family with emotional support. Some families might have certain wishes for their loved ones, so funeral directors must be good listeners so they understand what the family is asking for. All funeral workers must learn how to help someone in their time of stress. According…
There are many issues associated with one-time sporting events. Such as the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China. I was actually in Beijing that year during summer time to visit. We went to the stadium and it was still under construction. But the arena is located there the many tourist destinations in the city. From the Tiananmen Square to the venue is just fifteen minutes of driving. During the actual event, there are millions of visitors in the city and they will visit the tourist locations as well because they are so close to each other. I think sporting events fits great in overall tourism because it brings in more people which means more revenue. I think the key ways that major events showcase well because of the staffing. WIthout them, everyone…
Clarifies goals & objectives |Encourage participation |Plans and organizes. |Technical and administrative expertise |Facilitates work through team building and coaching |Provides feedback. |Keeps things moving |Controls details |Applies reasonable pressure for goals accomplishment |Empowers and delegates |Recognizes and rewards good performance.…
You will need to be a Skilled influencer( behaviour) to run organisation development (profession area): influence, persuade or negotiate to gain the necessary commitment and support from your stakeholders.…
The activities involved in this area include supporting and coaching managers on company policies and processes, ensure fair treatment for all employees, give advice to employees and managers on all disciplinary, grievance redundancy, relocation and recruitment issues, ensure that all policies and contracts of employment remain up to date with constantly evolving employment legislation and play an active part in Trade Union activity including pay negotiations and CJC’s. The knowledge needed in this area is about understanding the business, the changes and updates in employment law to ensure that risks are minimised and being able to coach managers in these areas to enable them to handle as best they can. The behaviours needed to succeed in this area are having the courage to challenge by observing situations, asking questions, providing solutions and alternatives and having the confidence to speak up and not avoid confrontation, showing empathy when needed. All of these help in different situations, for example, during disciplinary hearings when giving advice and guidance to managers and minimising tribunal risks. You also need to be a skilled influencer to understand different individuals and how to adjust to your audience and the situation e.g. adjusting to either a redundancy situation or a disciplinary situation. Working with these people and understanding them is key when trying to…
Learn to take initiative in making management decisions, and work independently as well as on a team…
• How do these skills link up with the activities and needs of today’s organizations?…