We can often think we understand and know what the word ‘health’ means however when asked for a definition of our own it can be difficult to articulate what we mean. However it is crucial that you include your own definition (5 lines)…
Whenever I would think of health and wellness, my mind would always revert back to just being sick or being in shape. I have learned that it is much more to it than just that. Health and wellness is more of being in a state of total social, mental, and physical wellbeing. Factors such as the environment, social life, emotions, spirituality, and physicality all play a role in one’s health. In order to life fully with meaning, these dimensions are a very important part of our health. Physical health deals with body size and shape. Social health is more of how you deal…
Being healthy and having overall wellness is more than just a physical aspect in our lives as human beings. In order to have health and wellness is a combination of…
Health is the ability of an individual to function well physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually to be able to demonstrate the full range of one’s “unique potentialities within the environment in which one is living” (Farlex, 2013). Our Health can be affected by the way we deal with our social, physical and psychological issues in life. Shelter, food, education, social security, health and social services, income and employment are one of the factors that leads to the condition of our health.…
In approximately 125 to 200 words, describe health and wellness in your own words using the ideas and concepts of the six dimensions of…
included the physical body, health is now considered from a holistic point of view, encompassing…
Health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1974). During the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion in 1986, the World Health Organisation said that health is “a source for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasising social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities”. Health is traditionally equated to the absence of disease. A lack of fundamental pathology was thought to define ones health as good, whereas biological driven pathogens and conditions would render an individual with poor health and labelled diseased. However, Aggleton & Homans (1897), Ewles & Simnett (1999) argue that health is holistic and includes different dimensions and all needs to be considered. Bilingham (2010) explains health in two models which are the biomedical model and the socio-medical model. She said biomedical model is an approach to health and illness that identifies healthy as the ‘absence of disease’ and focuses on diagnosing and curing individuals with specific illnesses , the socio medial model is an approach to health and illness that focuses on the social and environmental factors that influence our health, including the impact of poverty and poor housing.…
Before reading this chapter I would have defined health as just being about physical activity because that is all I was taught about health. I was taught that health was about having your body in a good condition and eating the right foods. I did not know that there was so much more behind health. Now that I have read this chapter I have learned that health is not only about doing physical activities to keep your body in shape. Health is about having a positive, optimistic outlook. You can have so many dimensions of health such as of course, physical health, spiritual health, social health, intellectual health and environmental health. Physical health refers to the way that your body functions. This includes eating right, getting regular exercise, and being at your recommended body weight. Physical health is also avoiding drugs and alcohol and being free of disease and sickness. Spiritual health is maintaining harmonious relationships with other living things and having spiritual direction and purpose. This includes living according to one’s ethics, morals and values. Social health is the quality of your relationships with friends, family, teachers and others you are in contact with.…
Like all meta-concepts, health is immensely general. It does not deal with health in a strictly clinical manner. It concerns nurses as medical professionals (rather than as mere adjuncts to doctors). At the same time, it defines “health” in abstract terms, in that health is “negotiated” and “contextual,” in the words of Slevin. Health is not an absolute concept, but exists in the context of the health problems of the individual. A person suffering with cancer considers a good, healthy day as one where they do not die or suffer immensely. But this is no definition of “health” for the perfectly healthy individua…
Before being able to describe the dimensions of health, it is important to look at the concept of health. Throughout the years, there have been many definitions of health, usually relating to the physical aspects of illness rather than a holistic view. The World Health Organization (WHO) provided a well-known definition in 1946. This states that ‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’. This definition contributed to the process of thinking about health as a wider concept as it demonstrates that other factors can influence health and wellbeing. The WHO further developed their definition of health in 1984. This definition includes individuals being able to accept and cope with changes in their environment as well as accepting that people strive to fulfil needs and achieve goals. It also very importantly suggests that an individual can have a disability but still considered as healthy. It is due to the complicated nature of health that the different dimensions are considered in order to gain a holistic overview of health.…
One criticism is that the concept of complete health disregards those with chronic illnesses who can learn to live fulfilling lives (Huber et. al, 2011). According to O’Donnell (2009) health is not a constant state, but a state that continually evolves with life circumstances. Regardless, health isclearly a complex state that exists both to, and apart from, its relationship to…
In approximately 125 to 200 words, describe health and wellness in your own words using the ideas…
Definitions of health:There are many interpretations of what ‘health’ means. The W.H.O. originally defined health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease.The concept of heath is diverse and means different things to different people. This diversity can be recognized by considering the different meanings of health that have developed over time.Early meanings of health, it was generally viewed as the opposite of illness. This view of health suggested that if one is ill, medicine, drugs and doctors were able to return you in a healthy state. World Health Organization’s definition of health, ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’. A weakness of this definition is that it fails to acknowledge that a person’s state of health is always changing.…
Health is ultimate blending of person and environment. It is the result of who you are and how your environment adjusts to your Person. There are all stages of health and even in a dying patient or chronically ill patient there are various stages of health. Health is not necessarily the absence of illness, but it is the potential wellness of and individual. The definition of health for an 18 year old disease free client is not the same as the definition of an 80 year old chronically ill patient. Health is the optimal potential of a client to be the best they can be for the person and condition that they are in. I believe that health can also be determined by an individual and their particular needs as a person and their application to their role in society.…
Health is a complex term to define because it not only means different things to different people, but is a dynamic process that changes throughout our lives (Seedhouse, 2001). It changes between people of different age groups, different genders, different cultures and different abilities (Wilcock, 2006). With so many different perspectives, it is easy to see why health is a difficult concept to define. The World Health Organisation defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (as cited in Seedhouse, 2001. p41). This definition shows that health issues are not only concerned with disease and the physical functioning of the body, but also include a person’s state of mind and the environment and communities within which they live. In western society, health is usually linked to autonomy, the more freedom a person has to make choices and to independently participate in life, the greater their health is perceived to be (Seedhouse, 2001).…