Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was, and still is, a remarkable and influential person in our world today. Gandhi was the pre-eminent political and ideological leader of India during the India independence movement. Gandhi developed a model to fight for civil rights through nonviolent protest. Through this he achieved political and social progress through total nonviolence for which he is internationally known for. Gandhi led India to its independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbander, India. Porbander is a small town on the western coast of India. Gandhi was born in a middle class family of Vaishya caste. His grandfather had risen to be the Dewan or Prime Minister of Porbander and was succeeded by his son Karamchand, who was Gandhi’s father. (Mandal) Mohandas went to elementary school in his hometown, where he was born. It was said that Gandhi had trouble with simple things like multiplication tables. Many years later Gandhi stated, “My intellect must have been sluggish and my memory raw.” (“Gandhi”) When Gandhi was a little bit older his family moved to Rajkot another town in India. There he attended a primary school and later attended a high school. Through his schooling Gandhi was a mediocre student and excessively shy and timid. Gandhi’s grades showed no indication of his future accomplishments. He moved onto high school and at the age of thirteen he was married to a girl named Kasturba, who was fourteen. When Gandhi was fifteen years old, the couple’s first child was born but only survived a few days. After their first child passed away Gandhi and Kasturba had four more children who are all boys. (Vinay) After high school, Gandhi joined the Samaldas College in Bhavnagar, where he found his studies to be very difficult. While struggling through all of this, his father died in 1885. After his father’s death a friend of the family suggested that
Bibliography: of Gandhi." The progress report. N.p., 1965. Web. 14 Mar 2012. <>. "Gandhi (1982)." The Internet Movie Database. The Internet Movie Database, n.d. Web. 14 Mar 2012. <>. ("Internet Movie Database") Rosenberg, J.. "Gandhi - Biography of Mahatma Gandhi." The New York Times Company, 2010. Web. 14 Mar 2012. <>. (Rosenberg)