Amsterdam Vallon returns to five points 16 years after his father was murdered by William “Bill the Butcher “Cutting the leader of The Native Americans. When Amsterdam is getting of the ship you see politicians handing out bread and soup to other Irish immigrant coming to shore. This may have seemed like a good act to the immigrants but it was all part of a scheme to win votes for Boss Tweed. You also see military recruiter granting citizenship and a cash bonus
to the Irish males if the join the army. This act I know too well. Being in the military and doing recruiting duty I saw this happening a lot. Mainly in the inner city you will have a lot of recruiter offering this young kids all types of hopes and dreams about a better life just to meet there quotas but at the end of the day most of it is just lies. Even to this day when you follow and election campaign you hear reporter talking about winning the white vote or the black vote. So politicians try there hardest to “Connect “with certain races to put them over the top.
Bill the Butcher hated anybody who came off a ship into America. Woman, man, or child his hatred held no prejudice. He believed immigrant should be able to have money, jobs, or a family, but he allowed them to work for him. It wasn’t honest work it mostly involved stealing or killing. This has always been a trait of racism I never understood, how you could not like a person and your wellbeing depended on their existence. Even today we have the problem with the illegal Mexicans weather people know it or not but they play a very influential part of our everyday lives. William “Boss” Tweed was a corrupt politician who was the head of Tammany Hall, the local democratic political machine. Tweed's influence was spread throughout Lower Manhattan from boxing matches to sanitation services and fire control. He was like most politicians today letting everybody else do the dirty work while he reaps the benefits.
There was a lot of turmoil between the Irish and the few blacks they had in the movie. This was very new to me I didn’t know the Irish had a problems with blacks. You would think two races that were fighting the same fight would have banned together.
In one key sequence, the film intercuts three sets of prayers: Amsterdam praying for vengeance against Bill the Butcher; Bill praying for victory over Amsterdam; and a patrician member of the upper class who stand accused of buying their sons’ ways out of the draft and sending the poor to die in their places praying for continued divine mercy. I always found it funny how we pray right before we doing something like go to war. Almost in every movie there always seem to be a person praying right before they kill someone. It’s like we are trying to send the message “Its ok to kill as long as you pray about it first”.