The Gap Model - Canada Small Business Financing Program The Gap Model is an effective tool for identifying and rectifying service quality and service delivery gaps.
Service marketing is inherently different from product or goods marketing. Services are distinctively characterized by their intangible, heterogeneous, inseparable and perishable nature. A service marketer builds his marketing strategies on five service quality dimensions to attain and sustain customer loyalty and zero defections. In marketing lexicon, it is known as RATER: •Reliability refers to the ability to perform the service accurately and dependably.
•Assurance relates to knowledge and accuracy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence to the customers.
•Tangibles refer to the appearance of physical facilities, equipments, personnel and communication materials i.e. physical evidence of facilities.
•Empathy refers to dealing with customers in a caring and individualized manner.
•Responsiveness is the willingness to help customers and provide prompt service.
If a service marketer falters on any of these grounds, it creates service quality gaps in an organization. Service quality is essentially perception of service, minus expectation of service by the customer. Service Quality Gap Model Zeithaml, and Berry (1985) constructed the famous Service Quality Gap Model to determine and analyze gaps between expected and actual levels of service performance:
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•Gap 2 is the lack of