The major trend in the macro-environment which affects Sony’s future strategy is socio/cultural/demographic. Since the Nintendo Wii emerged, it attracted many of non-traditional gamers came into the videogame console market, especially females and elderly people. Traditionally, non-traditional gamers think PlayStation is not ease of use for them. For instance, the joystick is difficult controlled or the instruction of the games are not easily understood for them how to play. Due to the non-traditional gamers want simpler products, high level of technical and graphical complexity are not concerned by them, so Nintendo Wii seems more suitable for them as it is ease of use, simple but fun games. Moreover, as the obesity epidemic is an important social factor within countries such as America and Australia, unlike PlayStation, the Wii Fit as a platform for the people to do exercise with its innovative motion-sensitive controller. Therefore, the current business strategy of Sony is not matching the non-traditional gamer’s needs.
However, as we mention before in macro environment analysis, society is becoming more intelligent and technology savvy, the gamers are increasing their demand for more challenging and stimulating game story lines and features, so the high technology feature of PlayStation matches this factor, the gamers can be played over the internet. Therefore, Sony PlayStation still maintains competitiveness by keeping up with technological advancements.
* Industry Environment:
The major trend of industry environment comes from the power of competitor. As we know, Microsoft Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii are the main competitors of Sony PlayStation. There is a threat of Sony PlayStation while Nintendo Wii emerged. As Nintendo knew that it had competitive disadvantage of competing with Sony and Microsoft in the traditional gamer market, so when Sony and Microsoft was competing each other in the