English and ESL
Course Title:
College Communications 2 (ESL)
Course Code:
Total Course Hours:
Placement Based on Assessment Testing
Eligible for Prior Learning
Assessment and Recognition:
Originated by:
Geri Dasgupta, Jennifer Mei, Patrick Muldoon, Nell Waldman, July 2005
Revised by:
Doug Smith, Sarah Duffy, Michelle Buuck
May 29, 2013
Effective Semester:
Fall 2013
Approved by: ________________________________________ Chairperson/Dean
Students are expected to review the course outline and to discuss with the professor any areas where clarification is required.
Students should keep all course outlines for each course taken at Centennial College. These may be used to apply for transfer of credit to other educational institutions. A fee may be charged for additional or replacement copies
Course Description
This course focuses on the refinement of college-level reading and writing skills to enable students to complete their academic as well as professional tasks successfully and competently. The course emphasizes clear, correct writing based on the process of composing, revising, and editing. In addition, it includes a review of sentence structure, grammar, diction, and punctuation. The students will recognize and use a variety of structural and stylistic techniques, analyze audience, purpose, and tone and develop critical reading and thinking skills by analyzing and responding to assigned readings. All essays written in the course will be in response to assigned readings. This course is designed for second language learners and is taught by a T.E.S.L. (Teacher of English as a Second Language) certified professor.
Course Learning Outcomes
Reading Skills
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have reliably demonstrated the ability to read assigned material analytically evaluate and demonstrate comprehension of each reading’s thesis, explicit or implicit, and its development within that reading.
Writing Skills
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have reliably demonstrated the ability to write coherent and grammatically correct essays in response to readings, developing and supporting a central idea/thesis appropriate to the intended audience apply the knowledge of essay structure, of mechanics, and of the function of introductory, supporting, and concluding paragraphs to his or her own essay writing in response to assigned readings.
Speaking/Listening Skills
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have reliably demonstrated the ability to respond critically to topics under discussion deliver an oral presentation in response to an assigned reading demonstrate critical listening skills by becoming aware of audience needs and by responding to these needs appropriately;
Documentation Skills
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have reliably demonstrated the ability to apply the skills and editing and proofreading to compose, revise, and edit written assignments so that they are consistently free of errors in spelling, syntax, and grammar integrate into her or his own writing quotations, information, and ideas from the source(s) used provide documentation in either the MLA or APA format using parenthetical references and constructing a basic Works Cited or References style.
The English curriculum supports learners in achieving by graduation the following communications outcomes:
Communications Outcome #1: READING SKILLS: The Centennial graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to respond effectively, efficiently, and appropriately to writing in ways that demonstrate comprehension and evaluation of its purpose and meaning.
Communications Outcome #2: WRITING SKILLS: The Centennial graduate has demonstrated the ability to write in an organized manner with a consciousness of audience and format and expressed in clear, concise, correct, coherent English prose.
Communications Outcome #3: SPEAKING SKILLS: The Centennial graduate has demonstrated the ability to make an organized and complete oral presentation to meet the needs of individuals and small groups.
Communications Outcome #4: LISTENING SKILLS: The Centennial graduate has demonstrated the ability to respond effectively, efficiently, and appropriately to oral instructions or verbal information in ways that demonstrate comprehension and evaluation of their purpose and meaning.
Communications Outcome #5: RESEARCH SKILLS: The Centennial graduate has demonstrated the ability to gather and integrate relevant and appropriate information into writing assignments and oral presentations.
Communications Outcome #6: BECOMING A SELF-DIRECTED LEARNER: The Centennial graduate has demonstrated the ability to assess his or her communications skills.
Essential Employability Skills (EES)
The student will reliably demonstrate the ability to:
1. communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken and visual form that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the audiences;
2. respond to written, spoken, or visual messages in a manner that ensures effective communication;
3. use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate and solve problems;
4. locate, select, organize, and document information using appropriate technology and information systems;
5. analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant information from a variety of sources;
6. show respect for the diverse opinions, values, belief systems, and contributions of others;
7. interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals;
8. manage the use of time and other resources to complete projects;
9. take responsibility for one’s own actions, decisions, and consequences.
Global Citizenship and Equity (GCE)
The student will reliably demonstrate the ability to: identify beliefs, values and behaviours that form individual and community identities and the basis for respectful relationships.
Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR) Process(es)
This course is not eligible for prior learning assessment.
Text and Other Instructional/Learning Materials
Norton, S. & Green, B. (2013). Essay essentials. Toronto: Thomson Nelson
Additional texts:
Dasgupta, G. & Mei, J. (2008). Refining reading writing. Toronto: Thomson Nelson
Sims, M., Chan, W., & Sethuram, P. (2012) The Write stuff: Thinking through essays. Toronto: Thomson Nelson
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 7th edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005, ISBN: 0194316491.
Evaluation and Grading System
Evaluation Description
Essay one (a two hour in-class assignment in which students analyze assigned readings)
Essay 2 (a take-home assignment in which students analyze one or two assigned readings and document their essays with references to primary text(s) and between two or four secondary sources)
Oral presentation in response to assigned reading(s)
Process assignments: quizzes, revisions
Final two-hour in-class essay with parenthetical references in response to assigned reading(s)
A major research project forms a part of the course. The Research paper must be submitted through Turn it This enables all students to check the originality of their work for themselves.
When writing a test or examination, students must put their official College photo-ID cards in full view for review by the invigilator. Students who do not have official photo-ID will be permitted to write the examination with a substitute photo-ID, but they will be required to produce photo-ID at the program or department office within 24 hours or the next business day following the examination, or else the examination results will be void.
Student Accommodation
All students have the right to study in an environment that is free from discrimination and/or harassment. It is College Policy to provide accommodation based on grounds defined in the Ontario Human Rights Code. Accommodation may include changes or modifications to standard practices.
This document is available in alternative formats upon request. Please contact the originating department or school of study.
Students with disabilities who require academic accommodations must register with the Centre for Student with Disabilities. Please see the Centre for Students with Disabilities for details.
Students requiring accommodation based on human rights grounds should talk with their professors as early as possible. Details are available on the Centennial College website ( ).
If students are unable to write an examination due to a medical problem or unforeseen family problems, they should immediately contact their professor or program Chair for advice. In exceptional and well documented circumstances (e.g. unexpected family problems, serious illness, or death of a close family member), students should be able to write a make-up examination to replace an examination missed.
Use of Dictionaries
The use of electronic dictionaries, computer laptops, and other electronic devices is not permitted for in-class assignments/tests or the final exam; however, students are encouraged to use a paper dictionary and thesaurus. In addition, electronic devices may be used for regular class work.
Course, Program or School Policies
Students who have missed a test and present documented evidence of their absence upon returning to class are permitted to do an alternative assessment, typically completing the assessment within two weeks of returning to class. Students are strongly advised to contact the professor before the scheduled test date. Students who do not contact the professor within 24 hours of the missed class and do not present documented evidence will receive a mark of zero for the assessment. Make-up assessments will not be given.
Assignments are due on their due dates. Students who are unable to submit an out-of-class assignment on the day it is due must inform the professor on or before the due date. A mark of 10% will be deducted for each day past the due date unless an alternate due date has been negotiated. A hard copy of the assignment should be presented to the professor for grading and feedback; however, an electronic copy may first be submitted as proof that the work has been completed. There will be no make-up assignments.
It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of all returned assignment and test / exam marks.
Zero Tolerance for Plagiarism
Plagiarism: to present another person’s ideas, writing, artistic work, drawings, images or data etc. as one’s own. This includes:
Copying another person’s work (including information found on the Internet and unpublished materials) without appropriate referencing. Examples of appropriate referencing include APA or MLA documentation styles, or any other preferred documentation styles as indicated by the College course instructor. Any use of the work of others, whether published, unpublished or posted electronically, attributed or anonymous, must include proper acknowledgement.
Presenting someone else’s work, opinions, or theories as if they are one’s own.
Presenting another’s substantial compositional changes to an assignment as one’s own.
Working collaboratively with others without the permission of the instructor on an assignment, and then submitting the finished product as if it were created solely by the submitting individual
Submitting the same work, in whole or in part, for credit in two or more courses, or in the same course more than once, without the prior written permission of the instructor.
Adapted from: Centennial College Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Policy (2007) and Ryerson Student Code of Academic Conduct (2008)
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Students should familiarize themselves with all College Policies that cover students’ rights and responsibilities. For more information on the following and other policies, please visit or consult the Academic Matters Section in the full-time and Continuing Education catalogues.
Respect at Centennial
At Centennial College, we are committed to providing a safe and respectful learning, teaching and working environment for all students, faculty and staff that promotes equity. Policies have been put in place to ensure that Centennial is a place that demonstrates respect and consistency with the Ontario Human Rights Code. All incidents of harassment, discrimination, bullying and violence will be addressed and responded to. As a college, we take the position that all forms of harassment, including personal harassment and bullying, must be stopped. Please refer to and
Academic Honesty
Academic honesty is integral to the learning process and a necessary ingredient of academic integrity. Students have a responsibility to be aware of and comply with College standards of academic conduct. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, plagiarism, and impersonation. All of these occur when the work of others is presented by a student as their own and/or without citing sources of information. Breaches of academic honesty will be investigated and if warranted, appropriate remedies and penalties will be applied, which may include a failing grade on the assignment/course, suspension or expulsion from the college.
Grades Appeal
Students and faculty have rights and responsibilities in the Grades Appeal process. Students who need to appeal a grade should consult the Grades Appeal policy and procedures.
Progression and Academic Standing
Students are expected to meet the academic standards of their School or program. The academic standing of each Centennial student is monitored during, as well as at the end of, each semester. Any student not demonstrating satisfactory progress will be informed of his/her standing in the College and will receive academic advising within their School. Unsatisfactory academic performance may result in conditional academic standing, probation or suspension.
Faculty Support
Professors are available to see students outside of class time. Students can contact professors via voice mail, email, or through their program or department office. Information regarding how to contact teachers will be provided at the beginning of the course and is also available in the program or department office.
Campus Safety
As part of our efforts to maintain a safe and secure teaching, learning and working environment, professors and instructors will review emergency procedures for fire, evacuations, emergency lock-downs and safe exit for those with disabilities at the beginning of each course.
Students must produce official photo identification when requested to do so by any college staff at any time during the semester.
References: Sims, M., Chan, W., & Sethuram, P. (2012) The Write stuff: Thinking through essays. Toronto: Thomson Nelson Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 7th edition Adapted from: Centennial College Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Policy (2007) and Ryerson Student Code of Academic Conduct (2008) Student Rights and Responsibilities
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