Quentin Bishop!
Prof. Noack
ENG 190
1 April 2014
The Gap Year
Many students assume that after they finish high school they have only 3
options, attend a university, join the military, or go out and get a job. But what they don’t consider to be an option is the gap year. The idea is picking up momentum fast in the
UK but is still rather unknown in the United States, where on average only about 30 out of every 1000 students take a gap year after graduation (Martin 571). A gap year is when a student takes a year off, most of the time after they have finished high school, before they decide on what to do in their future. There are three main reasons that students take the gap year in the United Kingdom. They are to work and save money up before attending a university, to become more mature by figure out who they really are and what their priorities are for their life, and to gain an edge over those who decide to not take a gap year. These reasons present many benefits to taking a gap year and are to help you to decide as to wether you should or should not take a gap year.!
Possibly the biggest reasons students take a gap year is to make money so that
college can be more affordable, yet due to this it is also the hardest area to collect data
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for. For example of the 457,000 students accepted into UK university in the 2008-2009 academic year around 250,000 admitted to taking time off before attending their college
(King 342). But when the same accepted students were asked if they took a gap year only 45,000 students said they took a gap year (King 342-343). That is a very significant drop from what they said earlier. It can be attributed to that they students who answered to taking a year off but not taking a gap year do not consider working during their time
“off” to be a gap year. Rather that they consider a gap year to be a year taken off to broaden their mind or to travel the world by not just going on
Cited: ! Collegexpress Magazine (2013): 22-25.Academic Search Complete Narratives." British Journal Of Sociology 64.1 (2013): 142-162. Academic Search ! Complete. Web. 2 Apr. 2014. (2011): 341-357. Academic Search Complete. Web. 2 Apr. 2014. Education 16.5 (2011): 565-577.Academic Search Complete. Web. 2 Apr. 2014. Health 23.5 (2013): 829-833. Academic Search Complete. Web. 2 Apr. 2014. Psychology 102.3 (2010): 561-576. Academic Search Complete. Web. 2 Apr.