Name: Adrian Stephenson
Center #: 100152
Candidate’s: 100152075
Territory: Jamaica
Proficiency: General
I would like to acknowledge all the persons who have helped me to complete this assignment. These persons are my mother and my social studies teacher.
This school based assessment is based on garbage pollution. The area chosen for survey on garbage pollution is the community of august town. You will learn about the causes that contribute to garbage pollution and the effects of it. The person’s views of garbage pollution will also be taken into consideration.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Definition of garbage pollution 5
Statement of problem 6
The reason for investigation 7
Method of investigation 8
Procedure for data collection 9 Questionnaire 10 Continuation of questionnaire 11 Graph 1 12 Graph 2 13 Graph 3 14 Graph 4 15 Graph 5 16 Analysis of interpretation of data 17 Statement of findings 18 Recommendation 19 Bibliography 20
Definition of Garbage Pollution
All refuse other than industrial waste and effluents. It consists largely of easily decomposable and putrefying organic (animal and vegetable) waste from preparation, handling, storage, and sale of serving of food.
Statement of Problem
Why is garbage pollution one of the major issues of my community? What are the effects of it and how it
Bibliography: Social Studies CSEC Module By; Rampersad Ramsawak and Ralph R. Umraw