Nitrice C. Johnson
Psychology 300
Professor Katherine Bowen
July 19, 2011
Gardner Intelligence Paper
When one thinks of intelligence one think that it is used to describe how smart or how not smart a person is. Gardner’s intelligence’s theory describes the eight different intelligence’s found in many people. Gardner theory viewed intelligences as an ability or set of abilities that is used to solve problems or fashion produce products (Kowalski, & Westen, 2005). Gardner identified eight different intelligences and they are musical, bodily/kinesthetic, spatial, linguistic/verbal, logical/mathematical, naturalist, intrapersonal, and interpersonal (Kowalski, & Westen, 2005). The different intelligence’s …show more content…
When looking at Gardner’s theory and asking the question of which of the intelligences can be attributed to my life. I have taken the intelligences test on many occasions and the one thing that changes constantly is in the personal intelligences I score equally intra and interpersonal. As an intrapersonal person I am able to understand others their feeling and actions, this has been very helpful to me in working with and counseling others. I have worked with women as a crises counselor meeting with women in the emergency room and helping them to get through the trauma of being raped. I have also worked with women who have found themselves with an unplanned pregnancy, listening to them and allowing them to make the best decision for how to deal with the problem. Intrapersonal intelligence has helped me to know when to talk as well as when to just listen when dealing with people in …show more content…
Through interpersonal intelligence I have learn a great deal about myself, I understand how even though I love people and being with them I also enjoy being alone with my own thoughts. When I am alone I look at how I have reacted to recent events and try to look at different ways that I could have done things differently. Things that I understand about myself are that I never make any decision without first working trough it in my mind; I listen to the inner voice or my conscious for the right answer. Through interpersonal intelligence I know that I am very methodical in the way I think and act, recently I had a problem with my right leg it was very swollen and painful. At the time I was working for a friend and my husband told me to stay home that morning but I knew that if I stayed home I would just keep my leg elevated and not seek medical help. I went on to work stopping to pick up money for a cab for later if needed. As the pain and the swelling got worse I looked up Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and went through the checklist, noting that I had all of the symptoms. I then called my husband and asked him to meet me at the emergency room. My looking at the problem in my leg and knowing myself well enough to know that I had to leave my home saved my life as it turned out that not only did I have a large blood clot in my