Firstly I pray to almighty God who has given me opportunity to complete my internship program. My heartiest thanks are due to our honorable teacher Mr. Jamal Uddin for giving us a valuable change to acquire practical knowledge on garments industry. Before this we learn lots of lesson from our teacher. We have got not only vast ideas but also practical knowledge. By gathering this important knowledge we can perform well in our practical life as well as job sector. We are really thankful to our honorable teacher.
My Special thanks are due to Md. Shajahan Hussein, Work Study Officer in knit Asia Ltd. who has given me time & moral support during my internship program. Lastly, I express my gratefulness to all the Management & Non-Management Staffs who have helped me during my internship program.
LETTER OF SUBMISSION To, The Course Co-Coordinators, BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology,
SR Tower, 105 Uttara Model Town, Sector-7, DHAKA-1230. Subject: Submission of Internship Report. Dear Sir, I have completed the internship program as a requirement of apparel merchandising program and now we are greatly impressed by the submission of internship report on “Knit Fabric Defects”. The duration of internship program was two month. We have visited the factory and gained a firsthand knowledge about activities of factories.
I am very grateful to you because you gave me the permission to do my internship program. In this report we have used primary and secondary information .We have collected information from directly interview of top level management and low level officials. I hope that my report will meet your standard and oblige thereby. Sincerely (Animesh Roy) Student of “KMT’ DECLARATION I do solemnly declare that this