One of the main issues is wildlife and how they will react to the pipeline. The pipeline runs through areas such as Kendall Island Migration Bird Sanctuary and other unprotected, but…
Hundreds of tribes and supporters from all over the country, have gathered to join the Standing Sioux in their fight to raise awareness and permanently stop construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. While Energy Transfer Partners grow impatient, the Army Corps continue to do discuss the full environmental effects. Since the Corps was accused of violating several federal statutes by environmental specialists, the final decision will be weighed carefully. Construction has been halted momentarily, but the pipeline awaits the final easement, allowing workers to begin drilling under Lake Oahe. This will result in the completion of the pipeline by the end of 2016. Resulting in a severe violation of native rights the tribe is entitled to. The Sioux tribe will not only face cultural devastation, but the constant risk of losing their only water source. Yet protests show no sign of losing momentum, and the tribe strongly hope for a stop to the 'Black Snake; running through the land, threatening to poison its'…
In his piece, Dwight R. Lee explains that with oil drilling the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, there would be many benefits as compared to the cost. He doesn’t deny that there would be risks associated with the drilling. However, he feels that they do not begin to compare to the benefits. He explains that the main reason that this has become such a hot topic is because of the high prices of gasoline and oil. One company that he looks at is the National Audubon Society. They are against opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling because they feel that it will “destroy the integrity.” This is the same company that owns the 26,000 acre Rainey Wildlife Sanctuary and opens it to drilling. By allowing this drilling, the Audubon Society has received more than $25 million. This has allowed them to own other wildlife and wilderness land.…
"What You Need to Know About the Dakota Access Pipeline Protest | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community." Common Dreams, /views/2016/09/09/what-you-need-know-about-dakota-access-pipeline-protest. Gail Ablow shares what is happening among the Sioux and the Dakota access pipeline with her personal analysis, to inform individuals what they should know about the event. She clarifies the threats and dangers that the Dakota Access Pipeline can bring to the Sioux Native Indian tribe. Also, the protest between the two and how it’s affecting the state of North Dakota. She also explains about the Dakota Access pipeline and the intentions of it being put in place. She goes into various details about how the pipeline…
Marcellus Shale is a geologic formation containing natural gas that stretches across much of the Eastern U.S., from New York to Tennessee. It has been a topic of hot debate over the past few years and continues to be a point of contention between landowners, governments, institutions, and private companies, even earning the attention of President Obama in his 2012 State of the Union speech. While geologists have known of the Marcellus Shale for years, early estimates of the amount of natural gas contained within it were fairly low. However, the use of the hydraulic fracturing (hydrofracking) drilling technique has dramatically increased the amount of natural gas that is recoverable ( Current estimates suggest that reserves in the Marcellus Shale could meet U.S. energy demand for six years (Buurma, 2012).…
The Alaskan National Wilderness Refuge has been the topic of political debate for decades. A large, beautiful piece of the world, ANWR as it is often referred to, is not a only a refuge for hundreds of species of birds, fish and mammals, but also a political battleground that is used to ignite the debate on America’s dependence on foreign fuel sources. The possibility of drilling for oil in ANWR brings with it the promise of jobs, dependency from unstable countries for our fuel needs and a boost to our declining economy. However, drilling in this land also brings the possibility of destroying the habitat of birds that migrate to this area yearly, caribou that use this haven as a calving ground, fish that fill the rivers and lakes, as well as grizzly bears, wolves, elk and hundreds of other species that depend on this habitat for food, shelter and safety. There is no debate that there are passionate debates, important facts and amazing possibilities that concern both sides of this argument. And even if it were possible to remove political agenda from the table, it would still be a very difficult debate to win for either side. My hopes are to come to a conclusion that would benefit both parties involved. I strongly feel that any drilling in this area would be detrimental to the surrounding area, as well as bring possible harm to the countless animals, birds and fish that use this safe haven yearly for migration, calving and egg laying and feeding. The decision to either drill or not to drill may not have a direct impact on us now, but in the years to come, good or bad, we will all see the changes that this decision will have resulted in.…
Thesis: There is major debate both for and against using the fracking method to extract natural gas from the ground, but I propose that the federal government establish, monitor, and regulate environmental and health risks, and then create a minimum standard which the states are required to follow. Background: In the 1940’s the Halliburton Corporation developed a process to revitalize well production and prolong the life of wells nearing the end of their production cycle. The fracturing process, called “fracking”, pumps a mixture of water and sand, along with some chemical additives, at high pressures to create additional fractures in the sedimentary rock.…
I have recently become aware of the possibility of fracking on the North Slope, and I…
Wyoming stands 2nd in production of Natural gas. Natural gas is used mostly for heating homes and Businesses. It has 5 oil fields in the top 100 US fields.Crude oil wells have been found in most of the state counties.These wells…
The movie Gaslands: Part II highlights the many problems with fracking for natural gas in the United States. It starts by showing the support of politicians and President Barack Obama himself. Gradually, the movie starts to show the wrongs that the oil companies are committing while fracking. The natural gas is so profitable that the injustice seems like a minor setback in the quest for the end results. Throughout the movie, it shows how families are affected, and just how spread out these families are throughout the country, which goes to show the extent to which the country is affected.…
In order to fully understand why drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is such a big deal; we need to understand the history of the refuge. ANWR was created in 1980 by the United States Department of Interior. According to Scott Wallace of Smithsonian, federal legislators, at the time, set the land aside, not only to protect the United States’ large herd of caribou, but also for “possible future oil and gas development” (Wallace 52). Without a doubt, ANWR is valuable, both for its ecological uniqueness and its natural resources. ANWR’s wildlife is varied, and, according to Wallace (53), “dazzling.” In addition to hosting herds of caribou, he says, the refuge is home to polar bears, migratory birds, wolves, wolverines, musk ox, arctic foxes and snowy owls (Wallace 53). However, the oil beneath ANWR is also valuable.…
Cited: Brown, T. (2012, 10 15). Wyoming News. Retrieved 12 24, 2012, from…
“Wildlife Impacts from Oil Drilling in the Refuge.” 2008. Defenders of Wildlife. 19 Oct. 2008. .…
In Cannon Ball, North Dakota there’s a land called Standing Rock Sioux reservation and that’s where the USACE wants to put a pipeline in. The Standing Rock Sioux reservation is a Native American sacred and burial ground. The Native Americans don’t want them putting the pipeline in because, it’ll contaminate their clean water and bother the people who were buried there. At first, the pipeline wasn’t a big deal and then the USACE wouldn’t cooperate and the THPO sued them which caused a very big problem. Once this problem started, it started to grow into a very, very huge deal and endangered people’s lives.…
There were two main forms of immigration, new and old. Old immigration occurred between 1830 to 1870. Ethnic groups included in this were the Irish and Germans. The second form was new immigration, which occurred anywhere from 1870 to 1914. This era is when Eastern and Western Europeans immigrated to America.…