The price of gasoline is definitely driven by the concept of supply and demand. When prices fall, quantity demand will rise, when price rises, quantity demanded will fall. This statement is true in most cases. But gasoline is a necessity to most Americans. The demand for fuel does not decrease when the price increase. Consumers often influence the price of gasoline. Gas prices in the late spring and summer months are the highest during the entire year. These are the periods when consumers drive the most. This is the time when most construction and manufacturing jobs are in operation. Like now, in the winter, gas prices are at the lowest point in a six month period. The six-month gasoline price chart I viewed at indicates this notion. The average price of gasoline in the Chicago area is between $3.25 - $3.70. In the summertime, we were paying gasoline prices of around $3.80 - $4.50. Consumers are deciding to drive less for recreation and more of going straight from point A to point B. The supply of gasoline has increased during the winter months, and producers capitalize on that surplus with the increased driving by consumers in the upcoming spring and summer months, while increasing the price of gasoline substantially. But in the news, you continue to hear of crude oil shortages. Big Oil Companies reported huge profits on high gasoline prices continuously for the past 4 (Froomkin, 2011). The Big Five oil companies made $36 billion in profits in the second quarter of 2011 (Froomkin, 2011). Consumers are now looking for alternative solutions in transportation because of the unsavory price fluctuation of gasoline prices while oil companies post major profits.…
Mandatory Assessed DQ: Research the elasticity of beef and eggs in regards to price changes. How do supply, demand, and price controls interact to affect equilibrium price of eggs? Why do customers have a more elastic buying response to beef than to eggs?…
As simple as it seems, the task of buying groceries can be very difficult during harsh economic times. During these times, families must decide what foods are needed and what items can they do without. Consumers may opt to purchase foods that can make multiple meals such as rice or chicken. When the economy is struggling, consumers become more cost conscience and are more likely to monitor their spending habits.…
In the beginning of the summer, when most people drive to vacation spots throughout the United States, gas prices reached record highs. In June 2000, the national average was $1.68 per gallon and in some larger cities; the prices soared to $2.00 and more per gallon (, 2005). Americans were furious not only because consumers were paying more at the pumps, but because rising fuel costs have triggered inflation. Americans realized that if inflation began to rise, a recession could be triggered as had occurred in the 1970's and 1980's (, 2005).…
The increase in gas prices has recently only affected my family in several ways. To afford the spike in gas prices, my family has had to cut back on eating out at restaurants, visits to the movie theater, and stretching our groceries for the month to ensure we have money for…
With many local stores and markets being more than a mile away, many families cannot afford the travel distance from their homes. If food prices can go up, so can gas. Some places in America serve their gas more than the average price of $2.25, therefore costing a family more than just groceries. The prices of gas are not the only problem, so many other financial problems such as bills for water and power, mortgage, and other expenses.…
If everyone else in the world is paying a lot more for gas, why shouldn't…
In determining the elasticity of demand, the law of demand, substitutability, and determinants of demand need to be taken into account. The law of demand is consistent with everyday common sense and the utility of purchasing additional items with. Substitutability is the greater the number of other options available, the greater the price elasticity of demand. Coffee is readily available, but the taste and the options the store has for coffee products will stand out among others. The determinants of demand will play a role in the elasticity of demand. Consumers have preferences, and they can change. The buyers in the market are not only college students, so the other segments must be targeted. A college student’s discretionary income may not be large…
To prevent gasoline prices from having devastating effects on the economy it has been proposed that all gasoline prices in the United States be fixed at the average price for the last two years. For simplicity it will be assumed that this price is $2.50 per gallon. When equilibrium prices are under $2.50 per gallon the excess payments will be kept in a government fund. When retail prices exceed $2.50 per gallon money from this fund will be distributed to pay the difference.…
When the price of a good falls, the quantity consumers demand of the good typically rises; if it costs less, consumers buy more. Price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of a change in quantity demanded for a good or service to a change in price.…
1. They made significant research that lead them to find that since the 1980’s there…
Favorite pass time and a way of life for its citizen. When the quality of life is…
I 'm torn about the cost- benefit analysis between deciding to increase taxes to alleviate pollution and improve the environment. The cost of gas is expensive enough and car companies are employing new tactics to alleviate most of the pollution that cars cause, by the use of electric cars, cars that have higher gas mileage, smaller cars, smaller engines and inspection regulations for each automobile to be done every year. As far as raising gas prices, I think that will cause more damage than good. People rely too much on transportation nowadays to make gas expensive. It would potentially put the economy back into a recession.…
1. F. James McDonald the former president of the US automobile workers federation suggested an average reduction of 4% in the price of the car. The automobile market was weak, which resulted in unemployment. Lower price would lead to greater sales and stimulate employment. McDonald believed that a 4% reduction in price would increase sales by 16%.David black, representing the management of the automobile manufacturers disagreed with McDonald’s estimation. Black cited studies which indicated price elasticity’s ranging from 0.5 to 1.5.Black made it clear that he was referring to the elasticity of demand in response to a permanent price change of all manufacturers. He admitted that the elasticity to a temporary price cut might be greater. The studies to which Black referred found elasticity’s ranging from 0.65 to 1.53.…
LONDON, January 9, 2013 - Prices in the $3-trillion-plus global petrochemicals market climbed 2% to $1,350 per metric ton (/mt) in December, according to the just-released monthly average of the Platts Global Petrochemical Index (PGPI), a benchmark basket of seven widely used petrochemicals. This follows a drop of 2% in November.…