GATE – 2010
Faculty: Sri A.M.V.N.Maruthi
1) The width of address bus and data bus in 8085 are respectively…
a) 16,8 b)8,16
c) 8,8 d) 16,16
2) The number of status flags in 8085 are
a) 5 b) 6
c)9 d)8
3) The status that cannot be operated by direct instructions is
a) Cy b) Z
c) P d) AC
4) The number of software interrupts in 8085 is…
a) 5 b) 8
c) 9 d) 10
5) Identify the non maskabe interrupt in the following
a) RST4.5 b) RST5.5
c) RST6.5 d) RST 7.5
6) If the contents of SP are 1000H, the content of B and C registers after PUSH B instruction
c) 1000 H,0FFF H d) 1000 H, 1001H
7) In an 8085 system, let SP=20000 H. Then after execution of POP H instruction will transfer the memory contents as…
a) 2001H and 2002H to H and L register b) 2001H and 2000H in to H and L registers
c) 2000H and 1FFFH to H and L registers d) 2000H and 1999H to H and L registers
8) In response to RST 7.5 interrupt, the execution of control transfers to memory location...
a) 0000H b) 002CH
c)0034H d) 003CH
9) Let contents of accumulator and B are 00000100 and 01000000 respectively. After
execution of SUB B instruction, accumulator contents are….
a) 00000100 b) 01000000
c) 11000100 d) 010001000
10) Let the contents of C register be 00000000. The contents of C register after execution of
DCR C is..
a) 00000000 b) 11111111
c) 00000001 d) none of above
11) In an 8085 based system, the maximum number of input output devices can be connected