In chapter 5 of The Great Gatsby, the theme of love becomes ever more apparent as does Gatsby’s true self. These emotions are revealed to the reader as the chapter progresses and Gatsby becomes more confident around Daisy.
Fitzgerald uses only two settings for chapter 5 in order to draw parallels between the change of scene and the relationship between Gatsby and Daisy. At the start of the chapter - where Nick, Daisy and Gatsby are gathered in Nick’s house – the relationship between Daisy and Gatsby seems incredibly awkward and both characters seem extremely tense and nervous to be re-united (shown by Gatsby’s ‘abortive attempt of a laugh). However, when Gatsby invites Nick and Daisy over to his house his relationship with Daisy gradually becomes stronger and Gatsby becomes far more relaxed, even to the point of having a friend ‘play the piano’ to further impress and improve his relationship with Daisy. Fitzgerald does this to show that Gatsby is only comfortable when he is in his own house. Gatsby feels more at ease in his house because he is surrounded by his ostentatious luxuries that impress other people, and indeed Daisy – even to the point of sobbing over ‘such beautiful silk shirts’ – and so Gatsby holds extravagant parties because he feels proud of his ostentatious lifestyle and wants to share it with others.
In chapter 5 the reader gets a large insight into the true character of Gatsby and indeed Daisy. This change in character is evident when the two are with each other and is shown by their change in language. Daisy, before the meeting, uses her usual sardonic humour around Nick, ‘who is ‘Tom?’, whereas when she is with Gatsby she reveals her true self and her true feelings towards Gatsby resulting in the language she uses changing. She tells Gatsby she wants to ‘get one of those pink clouds and put you in it and push you around’ which shows she is becoming carried away with