The title GATTACA is an appropriate name for the movie because it is set in the future, where DNA information decides everyone's fate and genetic engineering is used to “breed” the elite of society. The word “GATTICA” is an acronym for four major components of the DNA structure. In the movie; Gattica is the name of an aeronautics company that launches space missions. Vincent is one of the last “natural” babies and has a heart condition which would cast him out of a chance to travel in space. He assumes the identity of Jerome (who has been genetically configured) in order to fulfill his dream. Therefore, because of the relationship between DNA and the plot, GATTACA is an appropriate name for the movie.…
Before getting on the flight, Jerome does not expect any security checks. His urine shows his to be Vincent, but the Doctor knew the whole time that he had been pretending. The Doctor says he dreams his son who is an invalid, could do what Vincent has achieved and lets him on the rocket. Vincent opens the letter from Eugene to find a lock of Eugene’s hair. Eugene goes into the incinerator and burns himself with his swimming medal.…
Vincent's flaws are seen as a restriction on him from the moment he is born. The audience sees this through the nurse's proclamation that his "early fatal potential" is at "ninety seven percent probability." The stigma attached to such a condition is shown when his father refuses to give Vincent. his own name, demonstrating effectively how his inferiority results in him being abandoned from the outset of his life. These events are indicative of the stigma attached to the notion of being an INVALID' in this "not too distant" future. However, what this synthetic and artificial world in Gattaca fails to account for is the strength of the human spirit, which relates to the concept of "nature" and the emotions that define people what make people human, even in the face of their perceived shortcomings. Vincent makes the assertion that "they've got you looking so hard for any flaw, after a while that's all you see." This is perhaps the most telling aspect of the superior' society which reinforces the idea that the future has become little more than an emotionless, mechanical system, and that in the manufacturing of a better world' has lost sight of what is truly important.…
Although Gattaca was created many years afterwards, Andrew Niccol’s futuristic film also explores the contextual concerns within his present society; the twenty-first century. Niccol looks at the role of science and technology and the concerns…
Gene’s character as an unusual narrator creates a problem that goes throughout the novel. Because it is Gene’s perspective through which we see the story, Gene is the character that the reader sees the most.…
Another conflict the protagonist Jimmy has to deal with is man vs. nature. He has to protect his…
There are two major themes present in this film: Man Vs. Himself and death as a part of life. The producer of this film first explains how is brother lost his battle of addiction of prescription…
From the moment Vincent was born he was faced with a list of negative problems he would have to overcome in the future: “ADHD, manic depression, heart failure, and an early fatal potential of 30.2 years”. Those unfortunate enough to be born as an INVALID citizen were automatically assumed to be worthless and were never given the opportunity or choice to reach their true potential or even think that they had the capability to do so. For Vincent, life became more and more difficult as he got older; he was refused the right to enter kindergarten, and every job he tried to get he was immediately rebuffed after a DNA test was taken. Vincent had his heart set on travelling through space and becoming an astronaut but was laughed at and consistently put down by even his own father who said “Son, the only time you’re going to see the inside of a spaceship is if you’re cleaning it . Anton was always favoured over Vincent as he was ‘superior’ to him in many ways; he was stronger, taller, a better athlete this is a good example of how much of a minor thing such as someone’s DNA can have such a huge impact on society.…
The birth scene has a gloomy tone and color scheme, suggesting that this method of living is something humans should avoid. Since this film is a futuristic film about the use of the findings from the Human Genome Project, this film is warning us about the possible misuse of the new genetic information. Geneticists are an important job in the film because after one second, the blood is being tested and geneticists can determine your life and future. This determines how long your life will be and what diseases you may face, but not how happy or what you will face in life. It is different from a fortune teller. A fortune teller tells the outside danger that you may face, however, this warns you about…
Elwin "Leper" Lepellier, another main character, attempts to inform Gene of his inner malevolence, however, he never is able to come to terms with this, not even fifteen years later.…
Certainly the creators of Gattaca had our generation in mind when developing the concept for this film. Technologies, such as gene editing, are no longer a vision of the distant future, but rather a stronghold on present society. As humans, we are constantly looking for the passage to perfection. Persistently hunting ways to modify different aspects of our lives, rather that be cosmetically, intellectually, or genetically.…
Gene had proved many things through only his perspective. He had intriguing thoughts, which gave many idea's about Gene post personality and his surroundings. "Looking back now across fifteen years, I could see with great clarity the fear I had lived in " (Pg.2) This quote thus revealed that Gene was quite a weak individual. For if someone who lives in fear is considered morally weak, scared of the society and shy, insecure and who had a lack of confidence. Which Gene was in the beginning of the novel. "Yes he had practically saved my life. He had also practically lost it for me." (Pg. 25) This quote exposed that Gene was in the middle of his mental metamorphosis. Gene in the first part of his quote seemed strong, but when he twisted it to make Finny, his best friend look bad, he still seemed to be morally weak, but in a more stronger moral state then before. " Now I knew that there never was and never could have been any rivalry between us. I was not of the same quality as he." (Pg. 51) This quote showed a completely changed Gene. Gene became stronger by realizing the reality, he now had realized that there was no use in competing with anyone. Although this was recognizing Gene's change only perspective wise.…
Vincent Freeman is cast into society's redundant section as being an "invalid", however he overcomes this burden of uselessness, and uses his strong will to drive him forward to achieving his dream of flying to Titan. Vincent is an "invalid" who suffers under the burden of being a "utero" as he is unable to make any progress in his life due to his imperfect genetic make-up. From a young age, he is outcast from society, even by his own father and brother as being different. Antonio explains to Vincent, "...the only way you'll see the inside of a spaceship is if you're cleaning it." Vincent agrees as in this society, it didn't matter how many times you lied on your resume because "your real resume was in your cells." He is denied his opportunity of fulfilling his dream of flying to space from a young age and discouraged to pursue his dream. However, this only strengthens Vincent, and as he "resorts to more extreme methods" by "borrowing" the identity of Jerome Morrow, he overcomes the sacrifices and hardships by concentrating on the glory of achieving his dream and in his own mind, proving everyone else wrong. Vincent clearly "exceeds his potential" as he overcomes the imprisonment of his genes, and forges himself a worthy life.…
Gattaca is directed by Andrew Niccol and the film is set out in the "not too distant future." Andrew Niccol's perspective of the future isn't what most people expect but once thought about thoroughly it surely seems quite possible. This movie presents us with a new method in which society strives for perfection and it also makes the audience wonder if genetic engineering is morally correct. The social hierarchy system in Gattaca is based on your genetic makeup and the way you were born. People born the way we know as natural are "in-valids"; on the other hand people born with the assistance of genetic engineering are "valids." An "in-valid" has his future set out to be a cleaner or other insignificant job in society which doesn't require an education. A new form of prejudice has been raised into debate which is the idea of having superior or inferior genes.…
Gattaca, the “not too distant” future world of Andrew Niccol, is a world that is destroyed by the pursuit of perfection due to the science of genetic selection. This is often resembled by the fact that there are no individuals, the beings in this movie are almost sexless, have a limited personality and behave in a uniform manner. It also leaves people believing that their genetic makeup is what allows them to achieve their ambitions, or in the case of Irene and Vincent, prevent them from achieving their life goals. Genetic selection also segregates the valids, people who have had their genetics chosen, and the in-valids, children from ‘faith births’ where their genetic selection was left up to fate.…