United States is filled with so many problems why legalize gay marriage to bring even more problems? There are so many reasons why this is not practical, or right, but I’ll start with this, How many of you guys believe in God? I will only bring this up because we attend a religious school, at the beginning God created Adam and Eve to be together and to have kids so that we would have generations. Because of Adam and Eve we are here! Because of our parents, a woman and men we are here. Two men and two woman can’t create life. In the book of Genesis verse 1 salms 27 it says “ So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created us” Don’t you guys think that if Gay marriage was okay, God would’ve created man and man or female and female? Now that I have said that I can say that people are not born being gay, because God created us in his own image, but maybe you’re one of the people that doesn’t think that’s right and that believes that people are born being gay, this is not proven but even if it was true the person could take therapy for this because like it or not this is an “un-natural” thing. Therefore being gay is a choice, because we are not born being gay, and we’re not treated equal for our choices we are treated equal as persons. Not only does gay marriage goes against God but it will also be bad for our government.
-Income taxes will be increased to make up for the marriage tax benefits. Our government provides financial benefits to married couples because they produce and care for children, why should homosexuals couples get the same benefit as men and woman raising children?
- Also, Social security taxes will be increased in order to pay survivor support benefits to homosexuals “widows” and “widowers”
- Lastly, Free speech and religious rights will be reduced! Anyone that says or does something against