Gay Marriage
Legalize Gay Marriage All men are created equal and therefore there should be no discrimination. They all have individual rights. These words were written over two hundred years ago, and even then, the people believed in the importance of equality. In the United States Constitution, which provides us with many liberties, one of our civil liberties being the pursuit of happiness, which we are depriving the homosexual people. According to Wood, Peter B., and John P. Bartkowski. "Attribution Style And Public Policy Attitudes Toward Gay Rights." Social Science Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell) 85.1 (2004): 58-74, there are 19 states where in which gay marriage is banned and so are civil partnerships. Gay marriage should be legalized because it goes against the constitution and everything we Americans stand for. Some may question as to why should gay marriage be legalized, but I pose a more appropriate questions as to why should we choose who people can marry. If there is a union between a man and woman, people have no objections because they are two people who feel passionate about each other to begin a life together. If we change the union from a woman to woman or man to man, this causes all kinds of red flags, but what 's the difference when two people passionate enough for each other want to start a family together. For instance, if we lived in a world where the tables were turned and now gay marriage were legal and all straight marriages were deemed illegal. Would the straight people fight for their rights to get married? The land of the free, as we so often call it, but are we really free to marry whomever we like. We are all born as equals in this world, and it doesn 't matter where we are from, the color of our skin etc, so why can 't we be equals based on sexual orientation as well? In the US Constitution, the 1st amendments state that a person 's religious beliefs or lack of should be protected. Also we cannot discriminate against the unions of the minority
References: Williams, Reginald. Ethical Theory & Moral Practice, Oct2011, Vol. 14 Issue 5, p589-595. 7p.
Twist, Markie, et al. "Therapists ' Support Of Gay And Lesbian Human Rights." Guidance & Counseling 21.2 (2006): 107-113
Stroll A (2009) A defense of same-sex marriage. Public Aff Q 23(4):343 355
Wood, Peter B., and John P. Bartkowski. "Attribution Style And Public Policy Attitudes Toward Gay Rights." Social Science Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell) 85.1 (2004): 58-74