The United States of America is and has always been a beacon of light guiding the world. We are a country that stands to protect and fight for each and every person’s inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Nonetheless, our country is denying a certain group of individuals the right to marry. Marriage has always been understood as a social and legal union between two people who love each other. It has only been during recent times that people have questioned whether or not marriage is solely between a man and a woman. Regardless, marriage is not just a partnership between two people of opposite genders, but it is a personal union involving two individuals, man and woman, woman and woman, or man and man, who are committed to each other in a loving and nurturing relationship.
The benefits of marriage equality are limitless. By allowing same sex couples to marry, we would allow gay couples to have the freedom and dignity to affirm their love under the eyes of the law. We would be strengthening our people, our economy, and our national security. Gay and lesbian Americans are our friends, our colleagues, our soldiers, and our loved ones who deserve every right that comes along with citizenship, including marriage. Marriage is a fundamental building block of society, which comes with great joy as well as great responsibility. It solidifies families that are bound by love and commitment. By denying certain members of our society this type of happiness, based solely on who they are and who they love, we are telling some of our fellow countrymen that they are second class citizens who do not have the right to marry whom they love. we deny these individuals the rights of the fourteenth amendment, which guarantees that no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of US citizen; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property.
We have repeatedly made numerous human rights mistakes throughout history, and marriage equality is certainly our era’s chance to prove that we, as a 21st century society, know what is right and wrong. We must affirm that we embrace each and every American’s right to dignity and equality. By allowing gay couples to marry, we would give them innumerable rights that were previously reserved to heterosexual couples, ranging from tax breaks to something as simple as visitation rights in the hospital for their loved one.
Granting gay couples the right to marry is not, as some believe, a detriment to society, as it would promote justice, openness, wholeness, unity, and pride of being an American. By passing laws that allow gay couples to wed, we would only make eight percent of our population a little bit happier. We, as a whole, must make a stand regarding gay marriage. We must proclaim that we are the United Stated of America, we stand by our treasured ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
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