Gay marriage has been debated heavily in recent years. In this ethical dilemma, there are two sides: Those in favor of gay marriage tend to use arguments for legal matrimony, joint tax fillings, human needs, civil rights, justice, etc. On the other side of the issue, most “opponents” and defenders of the Holy Bible (God’s Word) hold religious and morals established by the founding fathers who specifically chose the Holy Bible as the basis for our Constitution.
According to supporters of same-sex marriage, the issue is based on the belief in “equal human rights for all”, no matter what their sexual preferences.
Defenders of the Holy Bible believe that marriage is the intimate union of two into oneness (one …show more content…
It was one of the most unique documents ever penned by the hands of men. It established a government “Of the people, by the people and for the people,” with “equal justice for all.” The first three words of this great document are “We The People,” thus placing the supreme power of government, not in the hands of those elected or appointed, but in those who elect them. Righteous men upon Judeo-Christian principals founded America. Bible law was built into our laws. God has promised that, ”Righteousness will exalt a nation, while sin is a reproach to all people.” Because of rightness, America became the greatest nation in the world. Why would a nation with America’s history prosper for almost two hundred years, becoming the greatest nation history of the world, then fall into disrepute among men? This decline cannot be denied. It began in the 60’s and continues to this day. Those who understand the relationship between our constitution, the Bible, and our nation understand exactly what the problem is. Unfortunately this wisdom is confined to the few rather than the …show more content…
Other states in the US are slowly finding room in their laws to allow same-sex marriage. Government officials like to feel that they have the authority to enact laws for governing our society. However, if an action has been forbidden by God, no human agency can make that action right, We may see in our lifetime the legalization of same-sex marriage. If so it will be allowed by the law of man, but condemned as an abomination by the eternal law of God. In the name of tolerance we have legalized things, which God condemns. As a nation we no longer have a place for God, aside from the pews of our