I am a pastor of 17 years. I have studied the word of God, theologically, spiritually, and practically throughout the years and I fail to see how same-sex marriage is …show more content…
His very words reiterate the nature of gay marriage. It’s about rights, not really about love or …show more content…
They deserve the stability that comes with marriage, just like all Aussie kids.” (Penberthy, 2012) In part this statement is true as well. Children do need stability within a family. That is not in question. The issues that arise from this are: firstly, kids are born between a man and a woman. Without one or the other, there would be no kids. Secondly, he fails to address the psychological and emotional issues that stem later in life for those children raised within a homosexual family. In a study conducted by University of Texas professor Mark Regnerus, whereby he examined nearly 3,000 adult children from eight different family structures, revealing that, “children who remain with intact biological families were better educated, experienced greater mental and physical health, less drug experimentation, less criminal activity and reported overall higher levels of happiness.” (Wright & Correnti, 2012)
Religion is certainly mentioned in his article. In fact he emphatically wants to know, “why is religion suddenly a big issue when we’re talking about gays getting hitched? And most importantly, we’re talking about civil marriage here, so it’s a civil rights issue.” (Penberthy, 2012) Religion is a big issue, simply put God made the first man and woman – the first marriage. It’s from Adam and Eve, that marriage between a man and a woman, created by God the absolute authority, that determines