
Gay Marriage Persuasive Essay

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Imagine you fell in love with someone that is the same gender as you and you wish to marry them but you can't.Gay marriage is currently legal in all 50 states, but it has been the base of a lot of discrimination negativity and unacceptance , leading to numerous fights and protests in the search for all equal rights. In my perspective, gay marriage should be legal, because everyone should be allowed to love the person of their choice.
Although many people argue marriage should be between male and female, we all have the right and freedom to love anyone we want. “Gay marriage is protected by the U.S Constitution's commitments to liberty and equality” The evidence that I gathered clearly states we all basically have the right to be with whoever
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According to denying some people the option to marry, is discriminating and creates a second class of citizens.The evidence that was gathered supports the point because people who are in favor of gay marriage argue that denying these rights are discriminatory. They also say that they have been fighting for these rights and not only for LGBT people, but also for women, and some people with disabilities. On July 25, 2014 Miami-Dade County Circuit Court Judge Sarah Zabel ruled Florida's gay marriage ban unconstitutional and stated that the ban serves only to hurt, to discriminate, deprive same-sex couples and their families of equal dignity, and to deem them unworthy of participation in one of the fundamental institutions of our society. Throughout our history, we have fought discrimination. We have joined together to recognize equality for racial minorities, women, people with disabilities and immigrants.
Nevertheless, gay marriage should be between a male and female because that is what god set upon for all of us, and legalizing it goes against those beliefs. According to “gay marriage is contrary to the word of god and is incompatible with the beliefs, sacred texts and traditions of many religious

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