Gay Marriage is the new “it” topic for all highly religious people to begin discussing as ultimately the “demise” of our nation. While many opposed feel it is against their religious beliefs others are simply not comfortable with the relationship. However, in an ever-changing world, it is something that while some may try and prevent it, is not going to disappear. Marriage by definition is “the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.” (, n.d.). However, the times have changed and marriage is now technically not just between a man and a woman. Many arguments in regards to same-sex marriage is simply the …show more content…
facts of religion and how it is against the writings in the bible. While this may be true, divorce among many other things that are considered sinful that people commit on a daily basis. Although this is a point of many debates in regards to same-sex marriage, many peoples personal beliefs opposed to religious beliefs become their basis of opinion on same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage has become a hot topic of debates throughout not only United States but the world as well. Many argue that same sex marriage is against religious beliefs. There are those who will say that same-sex marriage hinders procreation since there is no way for a same-sex couple to reproduce naturally. While many same-sex couples use adoption or artificial insemination to reproduce, many do not consider this a “natural conception” or in God’s plan for having a child. While this may be the issue that there is no natural way for procreation this is not the only issue religiously that people have with same-sex marriage. Many religious people feel that same-sex marriage is unnatural since the bible dictates that marriage is a man and a woman. The bible states in Genesis that “Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman, ' for she was taken out of man." For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. (Bible Verses About Marriage, n.d.)”. Most take this quote and unfortunately blow it out of proportion. What many may not realize is that although they may be homosexuals are heathens and do not follow the ways of the bible or whatever religion they may follow. However many have some religious upbringing that they have followed or still to this day follow. Many may use emotivism ethically to describe gay marriage. Simply stated most feel same-sex marriage is immoral and goes against not mainly religious beliefs but personal beliefs and feelings. It is not what many would consider a normal or traditional lifestyle of which many are accustomed. While relativism may also be used to describe same-sex marriage ethically, it is not always a religious issue when brought up in discussion. Although many discussions that occur are religious in both positive and negative aspects it also times is discussed simply as right or wrong with no religious backing to the debate. The debate will always be right or wrong no matter what the basis may be whether moral or religious. Utilitarianism can also be used to describe same-sex marriage from an ethical standpoint. The moral ideals of utilitarianism basically state to an extent “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander”. Utilitarianism is defined as “an ethical theory that determines the moral value of an act in terms of its results and if those results produce the greatest good for the greatest number. As a consequentialist theory, it is contrasted with non-consequentialist theories, such as deontology. (Mosser, 2010). This definition holds true to the point of emotivism also that simply someone’s opinion of how things are done is wrong and that if it is not the way that they feel then it is socially unacceptable and non-beneficial to society. Most people will argue that same-sex marriage could weaken the institution that is marriage and what it stands for. While divorce rates are high (between 40-50%), people feel that if same-sex marriage was legal this rate will increase. However, since there is no statistical data in regards to same-sex marriages divorce rates this makes the assumption that they will increase the divorce rate invalid. Those who feel that gay marriage will ruin the foundation of marriage also seemingly feel that the fact of same sex marriage will eventually be the demise of our society. Society has many varying factors that are ultimately much more detrimental to our society and the way we will further our futures and advance ourselves throughout upcoming years. In a 2009 study done by the Center for Disease Control shows that of the 8 states that allow for same sex marriage five of them have the lowest divorce rates in our country. This negates the theories many have in regards to the ideals that gay marriage will ruin the sanctity of marriage and all that it stands for as an institution. While this argument is moot and has no valid point. Many feel that if same-sex couples are allowed to marry then they will ultimately divorce adding more to the divorce rate and also going against another part of the bible in which it states that divorce is a sin and against the writings of the bible. As stated in Corinthians “To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.” (Bible Verses About Marriage, n.d.). There are also those who feel that same sex marriage will ultimately cause for society’s downfall. By legalizing gay marriage many feel that we are opening doors to more non-traditional marriages to fight for their rights to be legal. Polygamous relationships while acceptable in many other cultures and countries is illegal and unacceptable in the United States. Many feel that polygamous relationships or those who are looking to be in polygamous relationships will use the argument that same-sex couples are allowed to marry as an argument for them to be able to legally live their life the way they choose. While there are many other non-traditional ideals of marriage, the idea that same-sex marriage will bring these other types of marriage ideals to light and into public eye and demand their approval. Polygamous relationships while unnatural in our country are extremely normal in many other cultures. In many Indian, Muslim or Asian cultures, polygamy and other varying types of marriage are the norm and a normal “traditional” marriage. Many cultures feel that polygamy keeps families and tribes in many aspects together and able to remain true to their culture and virtues. While it may not seem like a normal marriage situation to our society because of the fact that there is either more than one wife or more than one husband in a situation causing not only for confusion amongst spouses but children and how they will be raised and who they will identify as their father/mother in these situations. As of 2013 in the United States there are 10 states that have legalized same-sex marriage, while was once a state the recognized same-sex marriage, it is now only recognized on a conditional basis.
Proposition 8 which was passed in November 2008 is the reason why same-sex couples are not allowed to marry in California. Prop 8 was passed to maintain the 14th amendment right that marriage in California is to remain between a man and a woman. Although this is a law in California it does not affect those who were married prior to the law and its passing. Many feel that this law is necessary to prevent these unions, while many feel that it is a violation of a person’s right to marry who they may …show more content…
please. In 1996 a law was passed entitled the “Defense of Marriage Act”, this act, much like proposition 8 states the marriage is between a man and a woman and that is the law. While they are similar, the law differs in the fact that DOMA prevents those who are in a civil union or same sex marriage from the benefits that a married couple would receive such as insurance, life insurance, social security survivor’s benefits and filing of joint income taxes. Although this law was passed and signed off on during the Clinton Administration, former President Clinton like many legislatures has voiced his opinion on the repeal of section 3 of DOMA which denies same-sex couples benefits that married couples are entitled. Same-sex couples while only able to legally marry in certain states, have the right to a civil union. While a civil union gives same-sex couples some of the legal rights as a married couple is entitled to such as medical, life insurance and other entities that married couples receive. Civil unions allow for their relationship to be acknowledged but not in the same sense as a married couple, an example of this is if a person’s partner is sick, in an accident, or possibly dying the partner in the civil union does not have the legal rights to make decisions on the partner’s behalf. Another difficult situation that civil unions pose for same-sex couples is in the se of death the partner receives no money of the deceased life insurance policy. Many married couples seem to take for granted the minute legal benefits they are allowed since they are basically set in stone once a couple is married. Another argument against same-sex marriage is children. Many feel that “the main
Purpose of state-sanctified marriage is procreation and the rearing of children. (Murphy, T. F. (2011)”. Most feel that same-sex marriages are harmful not only to society but to children as well. There are those that feel that children raised in a same sex home are more prone to homosexuality and can never lead a “normal” life that is intended for children. Also, many feel that children who are raised in a same sex home whether male/male or female/female, miss vital parts of nurturing or attachment that they would receive if they were being raised by both a mother and a father of opposite sexes. It is also argued that the institute and ideals of child rearing should be set only to those who are able to procreate as a couple and not to same-sex couples who cannot together procreate. Often argued is the fact that a heterosexual couple 70 years or older can marry however a young same-sex couple who cannot procreate and are willing to raise children cannot marry. Child-rearing is also a big issue amongst the debates of same-sex marriage. Many feel that a child growing up in a same sex home may miss some of the nurturing or morals that a child raised with a male and female parent. This argument has been debated many times with many people ultimately stating that a child in a same sex home will not be able to be raised normal and may grow up in a more dysfunctional household than a child raised in a “normal” household. Same sex couples unfortunately have a stigma that causes for them to be debated in the issues of enthralling their children in homosexuality ultimately causing the child to be steered in this direction. Same-sex marriage is protected under the constitutions commitments to liberty and equality that the freedom of personal choice in matters of marriage and life are liberties protected under the Due Process Clause.
It’s also argued that by denying same-sex couples their rights to marriage stigmatizes their culture and proves that there is discrimination against them comparable to that of the civil rights movement in the early 1960’s. Often discussed as a daily topic, same sex couples argue that they are treated as second class citizens due to the fact that they are not in a “traditional” relationship. Same-sex marriage may be a financial gain for the economy in the essence of the facts that couples can be taxed higher income taxes. While this brings in more revenue, it also decreases the necessity for state-assisted programs. These marriages will also help the economy in the sense of those in same-sex marriages, once able to receive the same status as heterosexual couples allows for them to add their revenue to the
While there are those that argue that same-sex marriages are wrong and should not have to come out of the tax dollars of those who oppose their lifestyle. Those are also the ones who argue that same-sex couples should not receive the same benefits and rights that a typical married couple would receive. The government has often argued that in a sense they will be losing money by extending benefits of married couples to those in civil-unions since they technically are not married and their union is not lawfully recognized by the government.
Many people feel that same-sex marriage will further the “assimilation” of homosexuality in American culture. Although this may seem like a valid argument to many, a homosexual person is not going to try and force their homosexuality or views onto a heterosexual person or persons. This argument also goes hand in hand with the fact that same-sex marriages will defile the sanctity of the marriage institution. By stating that it is almost insinuating that homosexuals will in a sense try and “recruit” people in order to become homosexual.
I personally feel that homosexuality is a person’s choice and not an “option”. While many may argue that homosexuality is a choice and that someone who is homosexual can “be changed” in order to return to heterosexuality. I feel that same-sex couples in loving relationships should be able to marry and enjoy the same rights and privileges that heterosexual couples whether in loving or non-loving relationships receive. Although it is simply the opinion of one person, I feel that if many people were not as close minded and stuck a stigma they would be able to accept those in same-sex relationships and understand that even though they are not in a typical relationship they are still in loving and caring relationships that although not common are still a part of our changing culture and something that unfortunately for some is not disappearing or going away. While gay marriage may be the hot topic of today, it is a highly debatable topic whether in the positive or negative aspect of the topic. Religious people in their debate will discuss the moral dilemmas with same-sex marriage and the writings of the bible. Those with a moral issue towards gay marriage will simply state that it is against their own personal beliefs. While each side may have their own feelings towards the situation, there is no right or wrong towards something that cannot be discouraged.
Works Cited
Baltzly, V. (2012). Same-Sex Marriage, Polygamy, and Disestablishment. Social Theory & Practice, 38(2), 333-362.
W. Bradford Wilcox and Elizabeth Marquardt, "The State of Our Unions: Marriage in America 2009,", Dec. 2009
Murphy, T. F. (2011). Same-Sex Marriage: Not a Threat to Marriage or Children. Journal Of Social Philosophy, 42(3), 288-304. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9833.2011.01534.x
Yoshino, K. (2009). PROP. 8: WHICH WAY NOW? Advocate, (1022), 36-39.
Bible Verses About Marriage. (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from
Mosser, K. (2010). Introduction to ethics and social responsibility.