SOC: 120 Introduction to Ethics & Social Responsibility
Today the topic of gay marriage is an ongoing debate. There are many people that believe gay marriage is not a huge deal while others think that it is the most horrific thing on earth. There are many states that ban gay marriage but in the same regards there are some states that allow this union. Gay marriage is as an ethical issue because it goes against most peoples norms. This issue has caused an undeniable separation of church and state but thankfully the laws cannot enforce morality, even if anyone was to convince the world that gay marriage was wrong they cannot push their belief on the rest of America.
Throughout this research ethical issues and problem will be addressed along with how the classical theories elate greatly to gay marriage. Gay marriage first came about on November 18, 2003 in the state of Massachusetts. Deontology is the study of moral obligation. I believe the United States have an obligation to every American that lives here. It is there obligation to make sure that no person rights are violated. By not letting gays marry it is violating that moral obligation. Ethical egoism the normative ethical position that moral agents ought to do what is in their own self- interest. People are putting their own self- interest ahead of other people wants. They only care about not wanting gays to marry, also they do not care about how it’s hurting the gay community. Gay marriage is important to me because I am also part of the gay community. There is nothing wrong with being gay. I still go to church and live my life as a normal person. The biggest problem I have with the straight community is that they have a problem with our sexuality, when they don’t even know what gay looks like. I dress and carry myself just like a normal woman, you wouldn’t even know I was gay unless I told you. The religious communities are not a fan of the gay marriage not all the