Manchester Pride, often just shortened to Pride, is the UK’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender festival which takes place annually over the August Bank Holidays. Predominantly a hallmark event as the celebrations occur in and around Manchester’s gay village, an area primarily inhabited by gay businesses and same sex home owners and frequently advertised as a safe haven for LGBT societies. Though there is much debate around the origins of pride, it can generally be assumed that it began in the late 1980s as an event to raise awareness of the dangers of HIV and to help raise funds for local HIV charities. Today, it’s a celebration of gender identity over four days, accumulating in a large parade through the village in which diverse sections of society are encouraged to participate in to show their support for the LGBT community (Picard and Robinson, 2006). The events organisational responsibility has been somewhat diverse and dubious over the past 20 years with responsibility for the festivals organisation changing hands no less than six times and allegations of misuse of funds. From 2002 the event has been run by the Village Business Association with a board of members, all of whom have commercial interests in the village (Picard and Robinson, 2006).
Piccard and Robinson (2006) suggest that Manchester Pride is unique to other LGBT festivals most of whom can find their origins entrenched in politics. They discussed that the majority of LGBT festivals arose from oppression and the belief of being marginalised by mainstream society this in turn led to mass participation marches to raise awareness about gay rights and equality. These protest have evolved, with gays becoming accepted within contemporary culture, into
References: Picard, D and Robinson, M (2006). Festivals, Tourism and Social Change. Clevedon: Channel View Publications. p238 - 251. Manchester Pride Limited, 2008. Annual Report 2008. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 15 Aug 13] Page, S and Connel, J (2012). The Routledge Handbook of Events. Oxon: Routledge. p347-359. Waitt, G and Marklell, A (2006). Gay Tourism. New York: The Hawthorn Hospitality Press. p200-256.