In the first article written by Vanessa Edwards Foster while she was interviewing Roy McCarthy, Roy had told Vanessa that the drag queens had gathered outside in the streets yelling at the cops and throwing things and him and the rest of the people in the neighborhood had rallied behind them with support that the police had started rushing to the scene to calm down the drag queens and the homosexuals. But when Ray had seen his boyfriend in a headlock he had started to hit the policeman …show more content…
In the three articles there were three different authors telling the same story with the same details with the same conclusion: People from both sides of the riot being hurt and the gay men and the drag queens being arrested for their involvement in the fight as well as the part that the policemen had played in the riot happening in the first place being known as the thing that led to the Gay Rights Movement for gay men and the drag queens to have their freedom that was constantly being taken away from them when all they wanted was a place to hang out in exchange for them not bothering the general public that had a problem with them expressing themselves that had an impact that could either be viewed as positive or negative, but was definitely an impact