Why do gay men and straight women become friends and how is this type of friendship beneficial? The answer to this two questions is based on two factors: trust and relationship advice. Since gay men are not physically attracted to women, women feel a certain level of comfort with gay men, and the process of forming a close friendship can occur relatively quickly. This comfort will soon transform into trust and plays a fundamental role in the very friendship. A friendship between two straight women contains the possibility of competing for a male, whereas a friendship between a straight woman and a straight man contains the possibility of a romantic connection with sexual impulse, and finally, the friendship between two gay men could contain both competition and romantic connection. The reflection of these …show more content…
There are two things that gay men and straight women share in common: they constantly try hard to prove themselves and care about their appearance a lot. Women in today’s world try very hard to prove to society that they worth more than just being a housewife, while gay men struggle to come out of the closet in today’s culture where heterosexuality is considered as masculinity by default. Gay men and straight women are in the same position in today’s world and they are able to support one another. Furthermore, marketing researchers have suggested that straight women tend to hire gay men over other heterosexual individuals because they perceive gay men to be more competent and