November 27, 2012
Unit 5 final assignment
Professor Jimmie Flores
Kaplan University
Q#1) Provide the name of the organization (this must be a real organization and you may use the organization where you currently work; describe the organization’s size and summarize the primary mission of the organization. Don’t simply copy from the organization’s mission statement.
“Always Low Prices” when an individual read or hear that slogan the name of the store is Wal Mart. Wal Mart is the number one retail store in the service industry in America. There are more than 1.5 million employees that work for Wal Mart. It is the largest private employer in America (Fishman). According to Charles Fishman there are approximately 140 million customers that visit Wal Mart a week. Within in the last year the store has employed more workers than Amazon and Google combined. In the United States there are 3,140 counties and there are more than 3,822 Wal-Marts, this mean there are 500 Wal Marts located within one county (Fishman, 2005). There are 1,500 Wal Mart chains within Mexico, Puerto Rico, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, China, South Korea, Germany and Britain. The mission statement for Wal Mart is to provide quality products at a lower price (Davies, 2005).
From your research of the organization, identify a single Business Process Change that the organization will need to contemplate and undertake in the coming year. These changes can result from new technologies, economic issues, or changes in the marketplace.
Some of the business process that could affect Wal Mart in the next few years is the improvement of technology. With new software that other retail chains are using for instance Walgreens have replaced their registers with computer screens that are connected to the cash drawer. This could benefit a mega store like Wal Mart because it would be easier on both employees and customers. Another change would be the economic hardship that the United States and other
References: Fishman, C., 2005, The Wal Mart Effect retrieved from Hopkins, J., 2003, Wal Mart influence grows USA Hudgins, C., eHow Contributor Differences between ISO 9000, 9001 & 9002 retrieved from Kirk, A., eHow Contributor Sullivan, L., and Zaino, J., (2005), People 1st Talent Development is a Wal-Mart Hallmark, Woodhouse, M., 2011, Wal Mart Strategy, retrieved from