Fall, 2013
Instructor: Tom Bateman Office: 394 Phone: 924-7060 Email: tsb3c@virginia.edu
Office hours: After class, or stop by anytime, or email to make an appointment.
Course Description
Two themes describe this course: managing yourself, and leading others. The purpose is to help you understand your own behavior in ways that enhance your personal effectiveness and your ability to lead other people. We will study a variety of organizational behavior topics in support of these themes, including time and stress management, decision-making, conflict management, task force management, power and politics, leadership styles, and leading change. The course is primarily case-based, although we will use other approaches and materials. Student involvement, including in-class participation in discussion and contributing to one another’s learning, will be a key to having a useful, fun, successful course.
Course Objectives
1. To learn about yourself with a goal of increasing your personal effectiveness.
2. To learn about working with others effectively.
3. To provide lessons in leadership success.
4. To lay a foundation for career success.
Required Materials (at UVa bookstore)
1. Case/Readings Packet
2. Goldsmith, M. (2007) What got you here won’t get you there (wouldn’t be a bad idea to get a head start on this).
Assignments and Grading
Three things comprise the course activities and the grading:
1. Class contribution. This is essential. Full participation is expected. Come to class regularly, don’t miss without a good reason (communicated to me), and contribute to the discussion, to your classmates’ learning, and to the making of a successful course. Attendance is vital; missing class for interviews or other unexcused reasons will have grading consequences. But good attendance is just a baseline; real class contribution involves full, constructive