Global recognition & Strong competitiveness
Firm operates diversified businesses such as innovation technology, media, financial services and energy infrastructures. GE is the one of world leader companies in field of development, implementation and product improvement. Firm focus on infrastructure markets because the markets are growing utilizing GE capabilities in technology. The major strength of GE has been changed since the firm sold NBC Universal as know as CNBC, 51% approximately in order to purchase new platforms of energy, oil and gas to satisfy the customer needs in global markets. According to Immelt Jeffrey (2013) claim that the new platform businesses already have earned 1 billion since it has been operated and it tend to grow up 20% annually. Moreover, the products and services have been acquiring recognitions and awards. For example, Fortune Magazine ranked the firm as the 14th most profitable company of the world and the biggest global company in US. Further, the firm also claimed that the products have been highly satisfied the customer needs. The outcome after operated is outstanding and attracting numerous client including government agencies and corporations. The figure will show the potential forecasting as below Source from:, Forecasting economic growth
Well management and Strong culture in company The firm has been used a unique management style by dividing businesses operations into business units. Each of unit has independent management process within the company. Regarding to this distinct management style, the firm is able to increase productivities due to the high level of efficiency that business unit managers are expected to maintain. In term of cross cultural management in company, Firm tend to have multicultural team projects in order to know other perceptions and ideas in order to develop the product which can be satisfied the local needs and future markets. For example in Myanmar,