Because DNA is negatively charged (each nucleotide has a negatively charged phosphate attached to it), it will move toward the positive electrode. Larger molecules move through the agarose more slowly, while smaller ones can slip through the pores faster. So, the fragments wind up arranged in order according to size, with the smaller ones having moved farther toward the positive pole. Figure 47 shows an example.
Because the DNA is invisible, the loading buffer also contains two dyes: bromophenol blue (a small dye molecule that behaves like a DNA fragment about
600 bases long) and xylene cyanol (a larger dye that acts like a DNA fragment of about 4000 bases). These dyes form lines that give you an idea of how far your DNA has moved. Some loading buffers also have a third dye, behaving like a very small DNA molecule (50 bases or so).
As the DNA migrates, the different fragments will form bands; each band is composed of many identical copies of a particular-size piece of DNA (you can’t do gel electrophoresis with one DNA molecule: you need millions or billions of identical molecules). The last step is to make the DNA bands visible, using a fluorescent molecule that inserts between the bases in the DNA helix. We use a commercial loading buffer called EZ-Vision which includes the fluorescent molecule, so the gel is