Cited: Creary, Melissa, Fall 1997 Drewal, Henry, John Pemberton III and Rowland Abiodun. Yoruba: Nine Centuries of African Art and Thought. New York: The Center for African Art and Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 1989. Fagg, William, and John Pemberton III. Yoruba: Sculpture of West Africa. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1982. Lawal, Babatunde. “The Gelede Spectacle” Art, Gender, and Harmony in African Culture. Vogel, Susan M. ed. For spirits and kings, New York; Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1981.
Cited: Creary, Melissa, Fall 1997 Drewal, Henry, John Pemberton III and Rowland Abiodun. Yoruba: Nine Centuries of African Art and Thought. New York: The Center for African Art and Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 1989. Fagg, William, and John Pemberton III. Yoruba: Sculpture of West Africa. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1982. Lawal, Babatunde. “The Gelede Spectacle” Art, Gender, and Harmony in African Culture. Vogel, Susan M. ed. For spirits and kings, New York; Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1981.