In today's society, gender is one of the most significant ways in which we symbolize ourselves into either masculinity or femininity. This allows every individual to create themselves into who they desire to be recognized as to the general public/society. There are thousands of products out in the market that are targeted towards certain groups in an attempt to sell them an idea, status symbol or dream. Automobiles is a great example of a product that is available to men and women, but marketed in very different ways which we will discuss. For most Automobile commercials, they generally have a gendered focus audience they are trying to target in their ads. The majority of Truck commercials will be geared more towards …show more content…
One example would be several articles that I have found on reputable automotive websites that discusses "chick cars" and "manly cars". According to this article, some of the top vehicles purchased by males consisted of corvettes, Ford F series, Nissan GTR, Ferrari California, Audi R8 to the BMW 1M coupe. These vehicle have similarities that include the overall theme of speed, power and strength. Each vehicle that was listed have all been intertwined with the consistent notion that a car is considered a masculine product when it exerts these qualities or gives the individual the status symbol of having it themselves. The main objective for companies is to make their target audience believe that my product will give you this status symbol, make you more masculine to others. Some advertisements will portray this message to creating the belief that this product will boost your confidence within your masculinity to make you believe that you will transform you into a more "manly" …show more content…
The majority of women chose the man with the luxury vehicle compared to the other guy with a standard/ typical car. This is a great example of how a vehicle will represent an overview of the man behind the wheel. A man who drives a luxury, expensive car signifies traits such as stability, security and success which are highly desirable traits in men. There is also the belief that our cars are an extension of ourselves in a way to express ourselves and abide by the gender rules. By driving a classy luxury car can heavily influence someone's self confidence and obtain opportunities to socialize with others who share the same status symbol/lifestyle. Some men who prefer to drive fast sports cars may be viewed, perceived as aggressive and tough in a sense. There are many times were young adult males will often coincide with trying to find their identities by the car they drive and what that