There are gender differences in criminal behavior solely based up genetic makeup. Gottfedson and Hirschi’s theory provides two facts that make me believe that males are more criminogenic than females. First, as stated in the theory, females are less likely to commit crime because they have higher levels of self control. Second, parents tend to be more vigilant in monitoring girls than boys parents are likely to be more consistent in the application of parental management with girls than boys. Both of these factors I find to be extremely true, especially when dealing with self control. In general, males have more testosterone than females and are more likely to let their emotions get the best of them. When talking about crime I could see how…
Most crime appears to be committed by men. According to recent national statistics men are four times more likely to commit a crime than woman. For example official statistics suggests there are gender differences in the types of crimes committed such as men committee violent crime and woman committee shoplifting.…
Patterns of offending by men and by women are notable both for their similarities and for their differences. Both men and women are more heavily involved in minor property and substance abuse offenses than in serious crimes like robbery or murder. However, men offend at much higher rates than women for all crime categories except prostitution. This gender gap in crime is greatest for serious crime and least for mild forms of law-breaking such as minor property crimes. You can also draw upon offender information from the National…
Outline and assess the reasons why women might not commit as much crime as men. (50 marks)…
Overall the crimes rates have decreased, but the females who were under 18 and minorities had higher crime rats than men did and they were the contributing factor to the majority of the arrest. In 2001 there was an increase in drug abuse violations.…
Gender Patterns in Crime- This means that most of the crimes that are being committed are higher by males rather than females. Most of the serious violent crimes that are being committed are higher by males rather than females. This is…
The involvement of females in crime and as the committers of crime was once a rare phenomenon but in recent years a dramatic increase has been seen all over the world. In England and Wales statistics have shown between 1994 and 2006 female crimes have steadily increased and have since continued to do so (MOJ 2009). Many sociological explanations and interpretations have arisen to coincide this surge in female offending as to understand its recent development in society. This assignment will look at different feminist explanations and critically evaluate them and their value in understanding female crime.…
It can be said the males make up the vast majority of the prison population. It can also be said that men are just plain different than women when it comes to ethics, morals, and violence. Whether gender has any influence on whether or not a crime is committed is not fully understood, but there are many theories.…
The author took into account the differing patterns of crimes in the context of gender and considered empirical studies in this regard. The author began by explaining that there are two ways of recording statistics about crime. One is to take into account the government statistics which are by no means conclusive. Second is to conduct the statistical analysis of victims as per the category of crimes that took place against them. He observed that the latter has recorded the crime rate four times higher than the one recorded by the governmental reports. The difference arises because the government records the statistics as per offenders whereas the victims statistics identify the victims of the crimes.…
Does gender influence victimisation? Are people at greater risk to specific types of crime because of their gender?…
Today shoplifting is one of the most common forms of theft in the United States. Shoplifting is now the number one cause for smaller stores to fail in today's market. The small stores are also the ones the usually carry the smaller items which are the easiest to receive the "five fingered discount" on. The reason shoplifting has become so big is because the thieves some how justify their actions and they also don't consider themselves thieves. The most common shoplifters are children and the senior citizens. It is the housewives and the college students that some how justify their stealing and don't consider themselves thieves.…
I have chosen to do my final project writing assignment on female offenders. Today, females are the fastest growing offenders of the prison population. Some of the attributing factors to this increase in female prison population is an increase in violent behavior by females, increased substance abuse and an increased awareness by law enforcement toward female offenders. Female offenders may have many differences from male offenders in their risks and needs while in the system however they share similar demographic characteristics as incarcerated males. Female and male offenders are both primarily from a lower social and economic status, they lack in education, have poor employment history and are comprised of mostly minorities. Some more important characteristics of female offenders are they were most likely involved in a previous relationship with their victims and or committed crimes with or at the demand of males.…
Whilst males are more likely to commit violent crimes females are more likely to be involved in theft or fraud. However, female crime is on the rise with an increase of 125 assaults committed per 100’000 to 186 assaults committed per 100’000 between 1997 and 2010 (, 2012). Furthermore, violent assault is the most common first offence for females under the age of 17 and its prevalence has grown by 68% since 1998 (abc news, 2015) and overall, the number of female offenders rose by 36% between 1999 and 2010 (Holmes, 2010, pp.3). Some research attributes this increase in crime to a result of increase social control, policy and policing over young women (Steffensmeier, D., Schwartz, J., Zhong, H. and Ackerman, J., 2005) whilst other believe that female participation in youth culture activities such as gangs and cyber- culture that promote women’s violence is to blame. Furthermore, a transition from sexualising to condemning women’s crime has taken place in the last 30 years (Carrington and Pereira 2009; Sharpe 2012) perhaps accounting for a rise in female arrests. The levels to which each of these different factors- and others- combine and intersect to completely account for the rise in violent crimes committed by females are unknown. However, it is important to continue feminist research in this field to assure that the minority gender in this area stays as such. It can then be said that…
In my research I have found that women, regardless of race commit crimes differently from men, and for different reasons. Not only are they capable of violence, they too commit violent crimes as well as murder. Some women that are in prison are there as a result of the War on Drugs. Others are in jail or prison, because they just happened to choose the wrong…
In 2004, there were an estimated 1,237,114 motor vehicle thefts in the Nation. Two-, 5-, and 10-year trend data showed considerable volatility: the number of motor vehicles estimated to have been stolen in 2004 decreased 1.9 percent from the 2003 estimate, increased 6.6 percent from the 2000 estimate, and decreased 16.0 percent from the 1995 estimate.…